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IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN) is a major research and training player in the fields of energy, transport and the environment. From research to industry, technological innovation is central to all its activities.

Its areas of expertise include:

CLIMAT ET ENVIRONNEMENT• climate, environment and circular economy,
Energies renouvelables• renewable energies,
Mobilité durable• sustainable mobility,
Hydrocarbures responsables• responsible oil and gas.

Our mission

As part of the public-interest mission with which it has been tasked by the public authorities, IFPEN focuses on:

  • providing solutions to take up the challenges facing society in terms of energy and the climate, promoting the transition towards sustainable mobility and the emergence of a more diversified energy mix;
  • creating wealth and jobs by supporting French and European economic activity, and the competitiveness of related industrial sectors.

An integral part of IFPEN, its graduate engineering school - IFP School - prepares future generations to take up these challenges.

> IFP Energies nouvelles’ articles of association


IFPEN has proven expertise across the entire value chain, from fundamental research to innovation. It is funded both by a state budget and by resources provided by industrial partners. The latter account for over 50% of IFPEN's total budget, a configuration that is unique in France.


The aim of IFPEN’s R&I programs is to overcome existing scientific and technological challenges in order to develop innovations that can be used by industry.


IFPEN's fundamental research program aims to create a library of knowledge essential for the development of innovations.

The scientific expertise of IFPEN’s researchers is internationally recognized and they are regularly consulted by the public authorities to provide their insight in their specific fields to inform the decision-making process.


IFPEN's economic model is based on the transfer to industry of the technologies developed by its researchers. This technology transfer to industry generates jobs and business, fostering the economic development of fields and approaches related to the mobility, energy and eco-industry sectors.

IFPEN’s innovations are brought to market through close partnerships with industrial players and IFP Group subsidiaries. In both emerging and mature markets, IFPEN creates companies or acquires stakeholdings in companies of significant potential, either directly or via capital funds.

In addition, IFPEN supports the development of SMEs and start-ups as part of collaboration agreements, contributing its technical and legal expertise.


An active player in numerous projects, technological platforms and networks within the context of the European Horizon 2020 Framework Program, IFPEN is contributing to the emergence of a European vision of research in the fields of mobility and energy. IFPEN works with over 100 academic and industrial partners, international companies and SMEs around the globe, as part of collaborative projects, consortiums or bilateral contracts.

Education and training, A VECTOR FOR COMPETITIVENESS

Against the backdrop of the energy transition, IFP School and IFP Training provide industry with the highly qualified personnel it requires to take up current and future technological, economic and environmental challenges.

IFP School operates within an international environment and provides young graduate engineers with advanced graduate programs in the fields of energy, motor vehicles and the environment. Over 500 students from throughout the world graduate from IFP School each year.

IFP Training, an IFPEN subsidiary, offers training programs to almost 15,500 employees from industry every year, developing their competencies.

IFPEN in figures (2024)
1,530 employees (total full-time equivalent workforce), including 1,078 R&I engineers and technicians
Nearly 175 PhD students, post-doctoral researchers and placement students (FTE)
€283,1 million operating expenses, including €241,1 million for R&I operating expenses
Self-funded to the tune of more than 50%
76% of budget dedicated to new energy technologies
154 basic patent applications, including 125 in the field of NETs (See IFPEN's international rankings).
More than 600 scientific publications and conference papers
More than 120 ongoing collaborative research projects, including nearly 40 involving international partners
More than 500 IFP School graduates
More than 30 companies created by IFPEN since 1944




IFP Energies nouvelles - The Essentials (PDF - 1.4 Mo)


2023 Activity Report


2023 Activity Report (PDF - 3.8 Mo)