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Fundamental Research
News 26 June 2024

Issue 55 of Science@ifpen - Process Design and Modeling

IFPEN Group’s ambition for the coming years is to consolidate its position as a leading player in the fields of energy transition, circular economy and decarbonization, by developing innovative technologies that are both ecologically-friendly and economically viable. In this context, the mission of the Process Design and Modeling division will be to contribute to the scaling-up innovative process concepts, often developed in collaboration with IFPEN’s other divisions and external partners...

Fundamental Research
News 17 June 2024

Groundwater: IFPEN co-founder of the GeEAUde chair

Face à l'urgence de préserver les ressources en eau souterraine, fragilisées par les changements climatiques et la pression anthropique, les acteurs de la recherche se mobilisent. Expert dans la caractérisation géologique et la modélisation des écoulements dans des milieux poreux complexes, IFPEN est co-fondateur, avec l’INRAE, de la chaire partenariale GeEAUde lancée par Avignon Université, et mettra à son service des compétences reconnues s’étendant de la caractérisation expérimentale à modélisation du sous-sol.


Objectives pursued, scientific challenges to be overcome, partnerships proposed: watch a video on IFPEN’s fundamental research strategy.

To find out more

Research in a few figures

  • 1,095
    R&I engineers and technicians
  • 30%
    of budget dedicated to fundamental research
  • 9
    disciplinary fields
  • 15
    active fundamental research framework agreements