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Frederic BLONDEL

Research engineer
Frédéric graduated with a PhD diploma in Fluid Mechanics from Ecole Centrale de Lyon in 2014. Since then, he works as a research engineer at IFPEN. Frédéric’s reasearch focuses on both the
Renewable energies
Innovation and Industry

Renewable energies

The energy transition and tackling climate change depend on the development of new renewable resources. IFPEN proposes processes for the production of fuels, bases for the chemicals sector and gas from biomass. IFPEN also uses its expertise acquired in the field of oil and gas to offer solutions for the
Wind energy
Innovation and Industry

Wind energy: Our strengths

wind energY Our strengths • More than 12 years’ experience in the field, with a team of around thirty FTE staff dedicated to wind energy, alongside 5 to 10 doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers. • Active in several segments of the value chain, with packages aimed at wind energy development
Offshore wind and ocean energies
Innovation and Industry

Wind energy: Our solutions

IFPEN is contributing to the growth of the wind energy sector, from resource evaluation through to the development of efficient control systems. IFPEN is also contributing to the development of efficient wave energy technology that can be used by industry.
Offshore wind and ocean energies
Innovation and Industry

Wind energy: Our networks

wind energY Our networks IFPEN’s wind energy research is conducted within the context of an excellence network including industrial and academic partners: the Ancre alliance, the International Energy Agency’s Technological Cooperation Program, IEA Wind, in which IFPEN represents France on the Executive Committee and coordinates a task dedicated to the
Wind energy
Innovation and Industry

Wind energy

wind energY OVERVIEW AND CHALLENGES The global development of wind energy is being driven by several factors: evolving technologies, a cost per kWh that is set to fall further, managed environmental impacts, the wider consultation of other users upstream of projects. There is significant potential in Europe to develop wind
Science@ifpen n°34
News in brief

Optimizing the electric cable of a floating wind turbine

Floating wind turbine technologies, such as those co-developed by SBM and IFPEN a , are designed to optimize the recovery of offshore wind energy. Optimization solutions are currently being sought to
Science@ifpen n°34
News in brief

Improvement of hydrodynamic models for floating wind turbines

The development of floating platforms for offshore wind turbines, to replace fixed foundations, paves the way for the harnessing of wind reserves in ultra-deep offshore zones. The potential is
Science@ifpen n°34
News in brief

Semi-crystalline polymers: clays that are ignored?

In the energy sector, semi-crystalline polymers a are primarily used within structures located in aggressive environments, to form coatings (waterproofing, thermal or electric barriers). These
Science@ifpen n°34
News in brief

Wind farms – a more effective layout using modeling

The development of wind farms requires the optimal placement of wind turbines in relation to each other in order to maximize overall production. If the turbines are too close to each other, wake