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Dr. Antonio Sciarretta (HDR, ASN) is a researcher at IFPEN since 2006.
Antonio Sciarretta received a Doctorate degree in thermal machines with a dissertation on engine modeling and control in 1999, and since then he has always worked at the intersection of these fields
Issue 40 of Science@IFPEN
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Looping the chemistry for clean energy

Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) is an airless combustion technology using oxygen carrier materials (OCM), which circulate between an oxidation and a reduction reaction zone. Separation into two
Issue 40 of Science@IFPEN
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Process efficiency: a matter of integration!

In order to optimize the use of very expensive installations, the development of industrial processes needs to take into account integration between units, both for developments relating to mature
Issue 40 of Science@IFPEN
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Mix between kinetic and machine learning models

Having access to increasingly precise and robust extrapolation models to be able to predict certain properties a remains a major challenge for chemical processes industry. For widely used models, be
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Quang Huy TRAN

Research engineer in Scientific Computing
Quang Huy Tran graduated from Mines ParisTech and completed his doctoral thesis in Applied Mathematics at IFPEN and Rice University (Texas) before returning to IFPEN as a research engineer
Numéro 38 de Science@IFPEN
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SmartEole project: making better use of wind through smart rotors

The rapid development of wind energy production depends, to a great extent, on improving its energy efficiency and its economic profitability. To maximize performance and operating life spans, the
Numéro 38 de Science@IFPEN
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A robust vehicle pollution control system thanks to the OQUAIDO chair

The OQUAIDO a applied mathematics chair , launched in January 2016 and hosted by the École des Mines engineering school in Saint-Étienne, brings together academic and industrial partners b to tackle
Science@ifpen n°34
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In silico design: digital materials here we come!

Proposing innovative technological products often requires recourse to simulation approaches in order to boost our capacity to evaluate original concepts. This is particularly true in the field of
Science@ifpen n°34
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Optimizing the electric cable of a floating wind turbine

Floating wind turbine technologies , such as those co-developed by SBM and IFPEN a , are designed to optimize the recovery of offshore wind energy . Optimization solutions are currently being sought