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Fundamental Research
News 23 October 2024

From the control of a pollution remediation system to that of a wind turbine via random set learning

As part of the drive to develop more environmentally-friendly mobility solutions, PhD research conducted at IFPEN resulted in a methodology to estimate control parameters in a urea injection-based pollution control system for vehicles (figure 1), where pollutant gas emission standards must be strictly respected [1,2,3]. This methodology was then extended to two other applications in the field of wind turbine control and simulation.

Science@ifpen n°57
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Multiphysical couplings in materials modeling

Contribution to the study of couplings in interfaces, polymers and porous materials The work of Laurent Cangémi relates to the field of modeling and concerns the formulation of multiphysical couplings in materials. It applies to all porous media exposed to the effects of mass transfer, heat, plasticity or damage, such as catalyst supports or natural underground environments.
Issue 57 of Science@ifpen
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Modeling of major energy systems

Economic Analysis of Energy Systems : a large-scale regional approach This research focuses on the economic analysis of large-scale systems, i.e. targets such as the energy systems of regions, countries, territories and major cities or vast metropolitan areas. In terms of the economic analysis, it extends beyond pure, autonomous economic elements to include issues related to geopolitical, technical and environmental aspects, as well as energy policies, obviously.
Issue 56 of Science@ifpen
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Uncertainty quantification for the turbulent dispersion of traffic-related pollutants on a micro-urban scale

In urban zones, road traffic is responsible for a high proportion of pollutant emissions, with a significant impact on air quality, which represents a major public health issue. Atmospheric dispersion can be comprehensively taken into account using CFD. However, random uncertainties, of both natural and anthropogenic origin, can affect its predictive capacity. Concerning this prediction, the PhD research was aimed at quantitatively evaluating the impact of uncertain parameters: firstly, meteorological and, secondly, those related to road traffic. To do this, “high-fidelity” simulations of pollution dispersion on a micro-urban scale (neighborhood) were conducted...
Issue 55 of Science@ifpen - Process Design and Modeling
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Drawing on lessons from the “fossil world” for the benefit of greener processes.

IFPEN is a global leader in the development of fossil feedstocks hydrotreatinga for clean fuel production. Processes from the same family now apply to a broader diversity of feedstocks: plastic and tire pyrolysis oil, in the context of chemical recycling, vegetable oils for biofuel production, etc. For these processes themselves to be eco-efficientb, beyond the targeted environmental benefit, their operating conditions need to be optimized by the use of kinetic or hybrid modelsc, as a function of the feedstocks employed and the specifications sought for the target products...
Issue 55 of Science@ifpen - Process Design and Modeling
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Fox-Prod: effectively combining units for optimized processes

In the energy and chemicals sectors, the conversion of raw materials into finished or semi-finished products is conducted via a succession of processes in dedicated units. Each of these processes comprises input conversion steps and output separation steps. In an industrial context where the focus is on optimizing the use of resources and reducing the environmental footprint, the capacity to redefine and optimize the arrangement of units appeared essential at IFPEN. So its teams developed a tool for the purpose.
Issue 54 of Science@ifpen
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SC7 - Sensitivity analysis of pollutant concentration maps to weather conditions and traffic parameters

Urban road traffic is a significant source of pollutant emissions that impacts air quality. Being able to predict the dispersion of these emissions is of major importance for evaluating real exposure and planning traffic flows. To this end, a PhD research project proposed a modeling chain making it possible to simulate highly turbulent flows on a local urban scale and obtain two-dimensional spatial maps of pollutant concentration...
Issue 51 of Science@ifpen
News in brief

SC8 - “Massively” accelerated windfarm simulation

In the field of wind energy, Large Eddy Simulations (LES) are widely used to gain a better understanding of wind flow within wind farms. On a wind farm scale, they are also used to establish analytical wake models, and are useful for studying the interactions between individual wind turbines as well as with the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL)...
Issue 51 of Science@ifpen
News in brief

SC7 - Variable speed limits: for more eco-friendly urban traffic management

Driven by environmental and energy frugality challenges, there is growing interest in vehicle fuel efficiency and a reduction in the impact of mobility. While the promotion of alternative transport modes to cars remains the principal lever for change, much can still be done in terms of road traffic management. An IFPEN team worked on this subject as part of a thesis in collaboration with Gipsa-lab...
Issue 51 of Science@ifpen
News in brief

SC4 - New numerical approach for the characterization of virtual porous materials

Inside porous materials, physico-chemical phenomena such as matter transport, catalytic reactions and capillary effects are strongly influenced by the geometry of the pore networks, i.e., the degree of porosity, the distribution of pore sizes and their connectivity. (....) IFPEN and Saint Gobain Research Provence decided to tackle the problem differently, by exploring a new numerical approach...
Issue 51 of Science@ifpen
News in brief

SC3 - Simulation of the adsorption/transport combination via a generalized lattice-boltzmann approach

Transport of molecules within porous structures that adsorb on the surfaces plays an important role in numerous contexts and very different applications. These include pollutant transport in soils, industrial catalytic conversion and purification processes, and chromatographic techniques...