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Issues and Foresight
News 17 April 2018

Development of renewable energies: towards a new geopolitical energy landscape? IFPEN and IRIS launch the GENERATE project

IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN) and the Institut de relations internationales et stratégiques (IRIS - French Institute for International and Strategic Relations) have launched the GENERATE project concerning the Geopolitics of renewable energies and prospective analysis of the energy transition.

Fundamental Research
News 01 March 2018

Issue 32 of Science@ifpen - Powertrain and Vehicles

Powertrain and Vehicles: the transportation sector is evolving all the time and profound changes are yet to come. A major challenge for future mobility, vehicle’s electrification will be accompanied by radical technological and software advances, with the increasing development of connected and driverless vehicles, incorporating, in particular, the principles of responsible eco-driving...