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Issue 51 of Science@ifpen
News in brief

SC1 - New experimental set up to study battery safety

The electrification of mobility is a major transformation aimed at reducing greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions by the transport sector. In this context, the Li-ion battery is currently the technology employed by all car manufacturers to provide the energy storage required for the roll-out of electric vehicles...
Science@ifpen - Issue 49
News in brief

Wind farm optimization: in the wake of modeling advances

Wind energy accounts for an increasing share of the energy mix thank to the construction of wind farms designed to reduce investment and operating costs. However, within a farm, downstream wind turbines are exposed to the wakes of upstream rotors, leading to a reduction in their production and an increase in their fatigue stresses...
Science@ifpen - Issue 49
News in brief

Coalescence and interfacial property: from the microscopic to the macroscopic

​​​​​​​Numerous IFPEN applications, from liquid-liquid extraction for biofuel production to the flotation process for the separation of microplastics, bring into play interactions between a fluid and the large number of inclusions (bubbles, drops) it contains...
A better description of turbulent flows for hydrogen powertrains
News in brief

A better description of turbulent flows for hydrogen powertrains

Within the framework of a global policy to reduce the emissions produced by the transport sector - particularly road transport - IFPEN is focusing on a complementary option along with vehicle electrification: the use of hydrogen powertrains. However, the use of hydrogen in IC engines first requires a comprehensive understanding of different phenomena, associated, for example, with interactions between the fuel and air...
Issue 43 of Science@IFPEN
News in brief

A new numerical tool to simulate the interaction between wind farms and local meteorological conditions

The French long-term energy program is encouraging the growth of wind energy. In order to predict this energy production and attempt to optimize it, irrespective of the production site (sea, mountain), a better understanding of wind flow...
Issue 43 of Science@IFPEN
News in brief

Two-phase flow simulations: all regimes are now accessible

Numerous technological applications requiring the use of numerical simulation involve complex two phase flows, as is the case with the engine injection context. Most calculation software...
Individual page

Chaouki HABCHI

Senior Researcher
HDR-Associated with SMEMaG Doctoral School CentraleSupelec
PhD from the Sorbonne University (PARIS-6) obtained in 1990 in the field of Computational Fluid Mechanics. HDR ( habilitation à diriger des recherches) from the Institut National Polytechnique de
Individual page

Gilles Bruneaux

Director, PhD in Energetics, Optical Diagnostics for Engine Combustion specialist
Engineering degree from Ecole Centrale Paris in 1992. PhD on combustion modeling in internal combustion engines at IFPEN/Ecole Centrale Paris, 1996. National accreditation to supervise research (HDR)
Issue 41 of Science@IFPEN
News in brief

Study of packings for natural gas treatment and CO2 capture columns (HDR 2019)

Employed in certain treatment equipment, such as industrial gas purification columns, structured packings are ordered stacks of corrugated metal sheets that promote contact between the gas and a
Issue 41 of Science@IFPEN
News in brief

Multiphase reactive flow simulation: developments and applications in the field of combustion (HDR 2015)

The scientific field concerned by my HDR research is the 3D numerical modeling of two-phase combustion, combining research on turbulent combustion and the preparation of the reactive mixture. Building