From June 14th to 15th, the 35th edition of the SIA Powertrain Congress will take place in Port-Marly. As the automotive industry reinvents itself to support the energy transition, the focus is on recent developments in low-carbon mobility technologies, starting with those of IFPEN and its CARNOT IFPEN Transports Energie.
Reducing CO 2 and pollutant emissions, diversifying energy sources and incorporating the evolution in transport modes: these are the challenges associated with sustainable mobility for industry. IFPEN channels its expertise into addressing this triple challenge, within the framework of the IFPEN Transports Energie Carnot Institute. Its technological offer is structured
Electrified Mobility Our networks COMPETITIVENESS CLUSTERS, CONSORTIUMS CARA European Cluster for Mobility Solutions IFPEN is one of the founding members of CARA, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region competitiveness cluster set up to support changes in urban transport systems and represent the 6 sectors: automobile, industrial vehicle, guided air transport, river transport, rail
Electrified Mobility Our strengths • Collaborations to support our industrial partners in the development and validation of their technologies. • Industrial partnerships for the joint development of our technological products. • A modeling-based approach, adapted for a range of products to reduce the development cycle time. • The capacity to
IFPEN's research covers the development of innovative, efficient electric machines with a high specific power, along with their power electronics. IFPEN also focuses on the electrification of powertrain functions, as well as lost thermal energy recovery systems. Electric machines and their management (power and control electronics) / The fuel cell / Electrification of the air loop
Electrified Mobility Overview and challenges Electrification represents one of the major levers to decarbonize the transport sector. IFPEN is a key player in the process, developing technological and software solutions aimed at increasing the energy efficiency and reducing the environmental impacts of transport propulsion systems. IFPEN’s approach consists of defining
In hybrid vehicles, onboard algorithms are aimed at splitting power between the various energy sources in order to minimize fuel consumption and/or pollutant emissions. This real-time management
Selected as part of the European ERANET-Electromobility+ program a and coordinated by IFPEN, the SCelecTRA (1) project was aimed at assessing the potential and conditions for the development of