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Innovation and Industry
News 15 December 2022

Cambridge GaN Devices and IFPEN sign automotive inverter development deal

IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN) a signé un accord de collaboration avec Cambridge GaN Devices (CGD), entreprise de semi-conducteurs qui propose une gamme de composants à large bande GaN (nitrure de gallium) et haute efficacité énergétique, pour développer un onduleur innovant pour la mobilité électrique sur la base de dispositifs GaN avancés.

Innovation and Industry
News 13 July 2022

Sustainable mobility: tech solutions for reducing the road transport sector’s environmental footprint

Operating through the IFPEN Transports Energie Carnot Institute, IFP Energies Nouvelles (IFPEN) has published the findings of an economic, energy and environmental study into French road transport technologies in the lead-up to 2040, co-funded by the ADEME.

Sustainable mobility
Innovation and Industry

Sustainable mobility

Reducing CO 2 and pollutant emissions, diversifying energy sources and incorporating the evolution in transport modes: these are the challenges associated with sustainable mobility for industry. IFPEN channels its expertise into addressing this triple challenge, within the framework of the IFPEN Transports Energie Carnot Institute . Its technological offer is
Hybrid and electric powertrains
Innovation and Industry

Our networks

Electrified Mobility Our networks European Projects PHOENICE: TOWARDS A PLUG-IN ZERO-EMISSION HYBRID VEHICLE Coordinated by IFPEN and conducted with seven industrial and academic partners, the PHOENICE (PHev towards zerO EmissioNs & ultimate ICE efficiency) project, launched in 2021, is aimed at developing a plug-in hybrid vehicle demonstrator with reduced fuel
Hybrid and electric powertrains
Innovation and Industry

Our strengths

Electrified Mobility Our strengths • Partnerships to support our industrial partners in the development and validation of their technologies. • Industrial partnerships for the joint development of our technological products. • A modeling-based approach , adapted for a range of products to reduce the development cycle time. • The capacity
Motorisations hybrides et électriques
Innovation and Industry

Our solutions

Electrified Mobility OUR solutions The electrification of the transport sector is gathering momentum. To support the trend, IFPEN is working on the various building blocks of the powertrain, focusing on specific experimental resources: • Electric machines and their management (power and control electronics) • The fuel cell • Electrification of
Motorisations hybrides et électriques
Innovation and Industry

Electrified Mobility

Electrified Mobility Overview and challenges Globally, the transport sector is responsible for 24% of greenhouse gas emissions (GGEs) (31% in France). To reduce them on a local level, recourse to electric energy is intensifying across all market segments and in every country, from private vehicles to the public transport and
Issue 30 Science@ifpen
News in brief

Energy in vehicles: we’ve got it under control!

In hybrid vehicles, onboard algorithms are aimed at splitting power between the various energy sources in order to minimize fuel consumption and/or pollutant emissions . This real-time management
Issue 29 Science@ifpen
News in brief

SCelecTRA: prize for best 2030 scenario for electric mobility

Selected as part of the European ERANET-Electromobility+ program a and coordinated by IFPEN, the SCelecTRA (1) project was aimed at assessing the potential and conditions for the development of