In an effort to fully embrace all the challenges facing applied thermodynamics in the coming years, a group of experts from EFCE has published a summary document “A View on the Future of Applied Thermodynamics”.
IFPEN is co-organizing this 16th edition of the IEAGHG (International Energy Agency Greenhouse Gas R&D Program) conference on greenhouse gas control technologies, alongside the Club CO2, ADEME, BRGM and TotalEnergies
CO 2 capture, utilization and storage Our networks In the field of CCUS (CO 2 capture, use and storage), IFPEN is at the heart of a dense network of collaborations with industry and academia on a national, European and global level. IFPEN is also a member of the ZEP European
IFPEN’s research activities focus on three areas: CO2 capture processes, large-scale CO2 storage technologies and the monitoring of storage sites, in order to guarantee their long-term safety and sustainability.
CO 2 capture, utilization and storage OVERVIEW AND CHALLENGES An international context marked by: the Paris Agreements and the French Climate Plan, a target of limiting the overall increase in global temperature to below 2°C by 2100: a more than 40% reduction in global CO 2 emissions by 2040 is
The widespread adoption of CO 2 capture and storage (CCS), a key factor in combating climate change, requires the joint adoption of these technologies by independent players: emitters, transporters