IFP School is a public engineering school, under the supervision of the French Ministry for Ecological Transition (MTE), which trains talented people to manage, support and anticipate developments in the energy and sustainable mobility sectors.
To achieve this, it is based on strong industrial integration, a broad international outlook and an innovative educational model that favors an approach focused on solving concrete problems.

IFP School offers graduates with 4 or 5 years of higher education a wide range of industry-oriented graduate programs leading to a specialized engineering degree or IFP School Master’s degree which are organized into four major fields in energy and sustainable mobility:
- Powertrains and sustainable mobility,
- Energy economics and management,
- Processes for energy and chemistry,
- Georesources and energy.
IFP School also contributes to research-oriented master’s programs via structured partnerships with French universities and engineering schools.
IFP School also offers more than 40 doctoral theses each year.
Finally, IFP School organizes offsite degree-programs delivered in oil- and gas-producing countries as part of its dissemination policy, in partnership with a local university and with an industrial sponsor.
IFP School in figures
11 industry-oriented programs, including 7 delivered in English
3 research-oriented master's programs
15,000 IFP School alumni in more than 100 countries
50% foreign students
80% of students financed by companies during their studies
184 industrial and academic partners worldwide
More than 80,000 people have taken part in the various Mooc sessions offered by IFP School on sustainable mobility and on the Oil&Gas chain.