On May 15, 2023, the kick-off meeting for the Karst project took place. This project aims to set up a multi-scale physical modeling framework for karst aquifers. This four-part project, which is backed by an ERC Synergy grant, will improve the modeling and prediction of the behavior of these systems during potentially dangerous extreme meteorological events (droughts and floods), as well as provide a deeper understanding of how they are formed.
Geothermal energy production has been developing since the start of the 2000s, and it is becoming necessary to have access to more precise numerical models to simulate the various scenarios that may be encountered. A new model combining dual porosity and dual fracture is proposed.
Research Project Manager "Multiphysics Modeling of Coupling Phenomenon", PhD research engineer in numerical fluid mechanics
Guillaume Vinay studied at ENSEIRB-MATMECA in Bordeaux before completing a PhD in Numerical Mechanics at Mines ParisTech. Graduating in 2005, he was awarded the thesis prize of the Groupe Français de
Transport of molecules within porous structures that adsorb on the surfaces plays an important role in numerous contexts and very different applications. These include pollutant transport in soils, industrial catalytic conversion and purification processes, and chromatographic techniques...
_ Maira completed her Ph.D. thesis at the Institute for Research on Catalysis and the Environment of the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (CNRS) and Saint-Gobain Provence Research on the catalytic
Senior Researcher
HDR-Associated with SMEMaG Doctoral School CentraleSupelec
PhD from the Sorbonne University (PARIS-6) obtained in 1990 in the field of Computational Fluid Mechanics. HDR ( habilitation à diriger des recherches) from the Institut National Polytechnique de
Dr B Noetinger, editor-in-chief STET https://www.stet-review.org/, expert in transport modeling in disordered media
Benoît Noetinger graduated from the École Polytechnique in Paris, and holds a thesis at UPMC (now Sorbonne University) in liquid state physics, the work of which was carried out at the PMMH laboratory
Research Engineer / Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering
Since 2024, Thibaud Chevalier has joined the Applied Physico-chemistry and Mechanics Division at IFP Energies nouvelles as a Fluid Mechanics Engineer and works on CO2 storage and geothermal energy. He
Loïc Sorbier is a research engineer in Physics graduated from ESPCI Paris. He obtained his PhD in materials science from université de Montpellier and possess accreditation to supervise research (HDR)
Carlos Nieto-Draghi (b. 1975) completed a Chemical Engineer degree at the Simón Bolívar University (Caracas, Venezuela) followed by a DEA and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineer and Processes at the Rovira i
Low permeability geological layers, already known within the context of oil exploration, are once again becoming a focus of interest for energy (compressed air), gas (CO 2, H 2, CH 4) and waste