Focus on...

Hybrid and electric powertrains
Innovation and Industry

Electrified Mobility: Our networks

Electrified Mobility Our networks COMPETITIVENESS CLUSTERS, CONSORTIUMS CARA European Cluster for Mobility Solutions IFPEN is one of the founding members of CARA , the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region competitiveness cluster set up to support changes in urban transport systems and represent the local car and industrial vehicle sector. NEXTMOVE: FOR MORE ENVIRONMENTALLY-FRIENDLY
Hybrid and electric powertrains
Innovation and Industry

Electrified Mobility: Our strengths

Electrified Mobility Our strengths • Partnerships to support our industrial partners in the development and validation of their technologies. • Industrial partnerships for the joint development of our technological products. • A modeling-based approach , adapted for a range of products to reduce the development cycle time. • The capacity
Motorisations thermiques
Innovation and Industry

IC powertrains: Our strengths

IC powertrains Our strengths Outstanding design simulation tools and experimental validation resources: modeling tools developed by our teams and used for our research activities, comprehensive experimentation facilities : engine test benches, rolling test benches, climatic test benches, optical diagnosis, HIL test benches. Expertise sought by the public authorities within the
Innovation and Industry

IC powertrains: Our networks

IC powertrains Our networks Groupement Scientifique Energies et Mobilités (GSEM) Created in 1980, the GSEM brings together IFPEN, Renault and Stellantis in a joint research effort on thermal engines. Over time, the partnership has adapted to evolving technologies and market needs. “ The GSEM conducts preliminary research: • (evaluation of
Innovation and Industry

IC powertrains: Our solutions

IFPEN conducts research aimed at improving IC engines in terms of energy efficiency, the reduction in pollutant emissions and pollution control, as well as the optimization of fuel use, particularly low-carbon fuels.
Innovation and Industry

IC powertrains

IC powertrains OVERVIEW AND CHALLENGES In addition to electrification, achieving the ambitious CO 2 emission reduction targets for the transport and off-road sector by 2030 requires a significant improvement in IC engines using environmentally-friendly fuels or renewable hydrogen, in such a way as to: make clean, efficient technologies accessible to
Motorisations hybrides et électriques
Innovation and Industry

Electrified Mobility: Our solutions

IFPEN's research covers the development of innovative, efficient electric machines with a high specific power, along with their power electronics. IFPEN also focuses on the electrification of powertrain functions, as well as lost thermal energy recovery systems. Electric machines and their management (power and control electronics) / The fuel cell / Electrification of the air loop
Motorisations hybrides et électriques
Innovation and Industry

Electrified Mobility

Electrified Mobility Overview and challenges Electrification represents one of the major levers to decarbonize the transport sector. IFPEN is a key player in the process, developing technological solutions aimed at increasing the energy efficiency and reducing the environmental impacts of transport systems . IFPEN’s approach consists in taking into account
Science@ifpen n°32
News in brief

Pollutant emissions: better knowing them to fight them better

Vehicle approval certifies that the emissions of said vehicle meet the specifications imposed by existing standards. Although current regulations only concern a limited number of chemical species
Science@ifpen n°32
News in brief

Ignition simulation

In order to reduce fuel consumption in gasoline engines , manufacturers are focusing their efforts on turbocharging and downsizing . However, this option leads to an increase in the knock phenomenon