News in brief
Multiphysical couplings in materials modeling
Contribution to the study of couplings in interfaces, polymers and porous materials The work of Laurent Cangémi relates to the field of modeling and concerns the formulation of multiphysical couplings in materials. It applies to all porous media exposed to the effects of mass transfer, heat, plasticity or damage, such as catalyst supports or natural underground environments.

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SC6 - Floating wind turbines: gaining a better understanding of the behavior of steel mooring ropes
Mooring lines are essential components for the stability of offshore floating structures, such as those supporting wind turbines. They often consist of steel spiral ropes linked by a chain to the platform (also known as the “floater”). New solutions are currently being studied, in which the rope is directly connected to the floater, thereby removing the need for the chain - which has proved to be a mechanical weak point - and simplifying the connection...
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Guillaume VINAY
Research Project Manager "Multiphysics Modeling of Coupling Phenomenon", PhD research engineer in numerical fluid mechanics
Guillaume Vinay studied at ENSEIRB-MATMECA in Bordeaux before completing a PhD in Numerical Mechanics at Mines ParisTech. Graduating in 2005, he was awarded the thesis prize of the Groupe Français de

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Coalescence and interfacial property: from the microscopic to the macroscopic
Numerous IFPEN applications, from liquid-liquid extraction for biofuel production to the flotation process for the separation of microplastics, bring into play interactions between a fluid and the large number of inclusions (bubbles, drops) it contains...

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Thibaud Chevalier
Research Engineer / Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering
Since 2024, Thibaud Chevalier has joined the Applied Physico-chemistry and Mechanics Division at IFP Energies nouvelles as a Fluid Mechanics Engineer and works on CO2 storage and geothermal energy. He

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Foam rheology in porous media
For processes involving gas injection, such as enhanced oil recovery (EOR a) and CO 2 storage operations, the use of foam makes it easier to control gas mobility. Improving these processes requires

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Research engineer in Physical Chemistry of Complex Fluids
PhD from the University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC)
Qualified to supervise research (ED388)
PhD from the University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC)
Qualified to supervise research (ED388)
Christine Dalmazzone holds a doctorate and and a qualification to supervise research in physico-chemistry of processes from the University of Technology of Compiègne. She joined IFP Energies nouvelles

News in brief
In silico design: digital materials here we come!
Proposing innovative technological products often requires recourse to simulation approaches in order to boost our capacity to evaluate original concepts. This is particularly true in the field of

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Semi-crystalline polymers: clays that are ignored?
In the energy sector, semi-crystalline polymers a are primarily used within structures located in aggressive environments, to form coatings (waterproofing, thermal or electric barriers). These