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Fundamental Research
News 13 November 2020

Shedding light on the external surface of zeolites by quantum calculation

Thanks to quantum modeling calculations conducted on the ZSM-5 zeolite, IFPEN’s research has nevertheless demonstrated the existence of a much larger variety of active sites on the surface than in the internal nanoporosity.

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IFP-School Professor / PhD Chemical Engineering
Jean-Charles de Hemptinne graduated from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in 1985 with a Chemical Engineering degree followed by a PhD in Chemical Engineering from MIT. In 2000, he defended a thesis
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Dr B Noetinger, editor-in-chief STET, expert in transport modeling in disordered media
Benoît Noetinger graduated from the École Polytechnique in Paris, and holds a thesis at UPMC (now Sorbonne University) in liquid state physics, the work of which was carried out at the PMMH laboratory
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Thibaud Chevalier

Research Engineer / Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering
Thibaud Chevalier joined IFP Energies nouvelles in 2016 as a research engineer in the Physics and Analysis department. From 2021 to 2023, he has also been Lab manager for NMR, HPMI, SAXS, XRD, SEM and
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Research Engineer
Loïc Sorbier is a research engineer in Physics graduated from ESPCI Paris. He obtained his PhD in materials science from université de Montpellier and possess accreditation to supervise research (HDR)
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Research Engineer / Project Manager
Carlos Nieto-Draghi (b. 1975) completed a Chemical Engineer degree at the Simón Bolívar University (Caracas, Venezuela) followed by a DEA and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineer and Processes at the Rovira i
Numéro 39 de Science@ifpen
News in brief

Interactions between clay minerals and anionic surfactants

Issue 39 of Science@ifpen
News in brief

Bubble fineness: the secret of successful reactions

Numéro 38 de Science@IFPEN
News in brief

The ROAD4CAT chair one year in

The 1 st industrial chair within the IdexLyon project a , ROAD4CAT (RatiOnAl Design for CATalysis), launched in June 2018, brings together IFPEN and the Chemistry Laboratory at École Normale
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Project Leader, ab initio calculations for Catalysis
After a PhD in heterogeneous catalysis (Paris 6 Univ., 2003-2006), during which I acquired skills in mineral synthesis, spectroscopies, catalytic testing and computational modelling, I chose to
Issue 37 Science@ifpen
News in brief

Phase equilibria in confined media

In many geological reservoirs, pore size distribution is highly heterogeneous (from 2 to 50 nm). While the molecular size of the confined fluids is between 0.5 and 10 nm, their interaction forces with