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Science@ifpen n°57
News in brief

Raw materials markets: at the heart of energy challenges

Price, cycle and rarity on the raw materials markets: from oil to energy transition materials. A historical, economic and geopolitical perspective The scope of this work covered fifteen years of research at IFPEN on raw materials and market prices formation mechanisms, with a specific focus on the short-, medium- and long-term dynamics
Issue 54 of Science@ifpen
News in brief

SC9 - Behavioral economics: a nudge for low-carbon mobility

At a time when the European Union is targeting carbon neutrality by 2050 (i.e., net zero greenhouse gas emissions), global CO2 emissions from the transport sector, which represent a quarter of the total, are continuing to increase. To overcome this and address the climate emergency, technological improvements and carbon taxes do not appear to be enough. There also needs to be a change in behavior...
Issue 44 of Science@ifpen
News in brief

Economic modeling applied to the environment and energies

The period 2012-2020, during which IFP School hosted the teaching and research Chair dedicated to this theme was also a period of fundamental change in terms of economic analysis of the environment and energy, with an increased interest in issues related to sustainable development.
Issue 44 of Science@ifpen
News in brief

The “Economics of Natural Gas” Chair: results and outlook

In 2016, IFP School joined forces with Mines ParisTech, Toulouse School of Economics and Paris Dauphine-PSL University to launch an original scientific initiative: the ”Economics of Natural Gas” Chair. The creation of this Chair resulted from a series of observations concerning the scientific and societal relevance of questions related to gas (particularly in the context of the energy transition and the rapid development of new technologies) and the opportunities offered by the complementary nature of the expertise present.
Individual page

Benoît Chèze

Economics and Environmental Evaluation Department, Economics and Technology Intelligence Division
Dr. Benoît Chèze holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University Paris Nanterre, and two M.Sc. in Environmental and Natural Resources Economics (University Paris Nanterre) and in Macroeconomics
Issue 29 Science@ifpen
News in brief

Renovation of housing: how to support the energy transition of French households?

The national energy transition will largely depend on changes in household energy consumption. In 2015, the residential sector alone was responsible for 30% of final energy consumption and 25% of CO 2
Issue 29 Science@ifpen
News in brief

Welcome to the club! Understanding and overcoming the obstacles to the adoption of CCS technologies

The widespread adoption of CO 2 capture and storage (CCS), a key factor in combating climate change, requires the joint adoption of these technologies by independent players: emitters, transporters
Issue 29 Science@ifpen
News in brief

Biofuels: contagion factors between agricultural and oil markets?

In order to combat climate change, numerous countries introduced policies promoting the use of 1 st-generation biofuels, generating a 7-fold increase in their production between 2000 and 2014. In
Issue 29 Science@ifpen
News in brief

SCelecTRA: prize for best 2030 scenario for electric mobility

Selected as part of the European ERANET-Electromobility+ program a and coordinated by IFPEN, the SCelecTRA (1) project was aimed at assessing the potential and conditions for the development of