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Research engineer
Motorization for mobility (>2015) 6 publications, education in mechanical engineer school at Lyon (ECAM) Exploration of porous material synthesis and shaping for catalysis (2003-2014) 34 publications

Innovation and Industry
Carnot IFPEN Transports Energie
The IFPEN Transports Energie Carnot Institute is an active player in the energy and environmental transition towards low-carbon and sustainable mobility. It proposes and develops innovative, technological and/or digital solutions for industry, users and public decision-makers, aimed at increasing the energy efficiency and reducing the environmental impacts of transport systems

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Research engineer / project leader in optimization
PhD in applied mathematics
PhD in applied mathematics
Master degree in numerical analysis (Paris 6 university) PhD in applied mathematics (Paris 13 university) : inversion problem of seismic tomography 2003-now : research engineer in applied mathematics

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Thomas LEROY
Project Manager Electrochimical Systems and Energy Management
Thomas Leroy is graduated from ESSTIN and received the PhD degree in Control theory and Mathematics from the Ecole des Mines ParisTech, France, in 2010. He joined IFPEN as control research engineer on

News in brief
SWUMBLE™ concept: high efficiency gasoline engine for future hybrid vehicles
IFPEN proposes an innovative combustion system based on Swumble™ approach and advanced engine control algorithms.

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Stéphane RAUX
Head of Department / PhD in process engineering and advanced technologies
Stéphane Raux, graduated from the ESTACA engineering school and holder of a PhD in process engineering and advanced technologies from Sorbonne University-UPMC, works at IFP Energies nouvelles since

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Gilles Bruneaux
Director, PhD in Energetics, Optical Diagnostics for Engine Combustion specialist
Engineering degree from Ecole Centrale Paris in 1992. PhD on combustion modeling in internal combustion engines at IFPEN/Ecole Centrale Paris, 1996. National accreditation to supervise research (HDR)

Issues and Foresight
Internal combustion engines
Since they were invented, cars have mainly operated with 4-stroke internal combustion engines. In Europe, these have either been gasoline (spark ignition) or diesel engines.

Innovation and Industry
Sustainable mobility
Reducing CO 2 and pollutant emissions, diversifying energy sources and incorporating the evolution in transport modes: these are the challenges associated with sustainable mobility for industry. IFPEN channels its expertise into addressing this triple challenge, within the framework of the IFPEN Transports Energie Carnot Institute. Its technological offer is structured

Innovation and Industry
IC powertrains: Our strengths
IC powertrains Our strengths Outstanding design simulation tools and experimental validation resources: modeling tools developed by our teams and used for our research activities, comprehensive experimentation facilities: engine test benches, rolling test benches, climatic test benches, optical diagnosis, HIL test benches. Expertise sought by the public authorities within the framework