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Research Engineer in Heterogeneous Catalysis, Project Manager in Metals Recycling
Engineer from CPE Lyon (2000), PhD from Université Lyon 1 (2003) and holder of the Accreditation to supervise research (Université Lyon 1) since February 2023 on “The life cycle of hydrotreating
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Philippe BÉARD

Research engineer
Dr, PhD in Fluid Mechanics
PhD in Fluid Mechanics at ISAE-SUPAERO, Toulouse, France in 1994. Research engineer in the Systems Simulation and Modelling Department from 1996 to 2008. Since 2008, research engineer in the Chemical
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Research engineer
Motorization for mobility (>2015) 6 publications, education in mechanical engineer school at Lyon (ECAM) Exploration of porous material synthesis and shaping for catalysis (2003-2014) 34 publications
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Minh Tuan NGUYEN

PhD. Research engineer
Minh Tuan Nguyen completed an Engineer degree from Da-Nang University of Technology (Vietnam) in 2012, and a Master of Science degree from Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille (ENSCL) and IFP
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Etienne GIRARD

Research scientist in Catalysis / R&I Project manager
Following an engineering degree obtained from Chimie ParisTech (2008), I completed my research career with an academic thesis at the University of Toulouse (obtained in 2012), on the design and
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Antoine FECANT

Head of Department
Antoine Fécant holds an engineering degree from the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille (2004) and a DEA (Master degree) from the University of Lille I the same year. He then obtained a PhD
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Research Engineer / Technical Advisor
Organic Geochemistry PhD. HdR.
Sciences of the Earth and the Universe HDR
Maria-Fernanda Romero-Sarmiento joined IFP Energies nouvelles in 2010 as a research scientist in organic geochemistry. She holds a Ph.D. in Organic Geochemistry from the University of Lille (France)
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Charles-Philippe LIENEMANN

Charles-Philippe Lienemann - Scientific Advisor at the Physics and Analysis Division
Charles-Philippe Lienemann graduated at the University of Geneva (Switzerland) in 1993. He then joined University of Lausanne (Switzerland) within the group of D. Perret and Prof. J-C. Bünzli for his
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Research Engineer / Project Manager
Carlos Nieto-Draghi (b. 1975) completed a Chemical Engineer degree at the Simón Bolívar University (Caracas, Venezuela) followed by a DEA and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineer and Processes at the Rovira i
Responsible oil and gas
Innovation and Industry

Responsible oil and gas

Against the backdrop of the accelerating energy transition, the oil industry and related sectors need to continue to meet sustained demand, while significantly reducing their environmental footprint and energy consumption. IFPEN develops eco-efficient and flexible processes for the production of fuel and chemical intermediates meeting the strictest standards. To make