News in brief
Raw materials markets: at the heart of energy challenges
Price, cycle and rarity on the raw materials markets: from oil to energy transition materials. A historical, economic and geopolitical perspective The scope of this work covered fifteen years of research at IFPEN on raw materials and market prices formation mechanisms, with a specific focus on the short-, medium- and long-term dynamics

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Modeling of major energy systems
Economic Analysis of Energy Systems : a large-scale regional approach This research focuses on the economic analysis of large-scale systems, i.e. targets such as the energy systems of regions, countries, territories and major cities or vast metropolitan areas. In terms of the economic analysis, it extends beyond pure, autonomous economic elements to include issues related to geopolitical, technical and environmental aspects, as well as energy policies, obviously.

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SC9 - New resources for the prospective analysis of french road transport
Cutting CO2 emissions from road vehicles is essential and necessary to reduce long-term greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in France. The transport sector is still responsible for more than 30% of national emissions, making it the sector with the highest level of emissions. The development of new low-carbon powertrains may also result in an improvement in air quality and help reduce our reliance on imported fossil fuels.

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Professor and Scientific Advisor to the Dean at IFP School (IFPEN)
Arash FARNOOSH, an energy engineer and economist, is currently Professor and Scientific Advisor to the Dean at IFP School (IFPEN's graduate school of engineering). He also heads the Executive Master

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Victor Court
Researcher & Lecturer, Center for Energy Economics and Management (IFP School)
Victor Court joined the Center for Energy Economics and Management of IFP School as a Researcher and Lecturer in March 2020. He is involved in the teaching and organization of three of the Center's

News in brief
SPOTLIGHT ON CLIMATE OBJECTIVES - A highly over-estimated contribution of energy efficiency?
In its “sustainable development” scenario, the International Energy Agency (IEA) considers energy efficiency to be the primary lever for reducing CO2 emissions (see diagram). The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) also considers energy efficiency as a key element of the ecological transition. (...) But this strategy could prove to be flawed in that it disregards a phenomenon that has long been at work to counteract the benefits of energy efficiency: the “rebound effect”.

News in brief
Economic modeling applied to the environment and energies
The period 2012-2020, during which IFP School hosted the teaching and research Chair dedicated to this theme was also a period of fundamental change in terms of economic analysis of the environment and energy, with an increased interest in issues related to sustainable development.

News in brief
The “Economics of Natural Gas” Chair: results and outlook
In 2016, IFP School joined forces with Mines ParisTech, Toulouse School of Economics and Paris Dauphine-PSL University to launch an original scientific initiative: the ”Economics of Natural Gas” Chair. The creation of this Chair resulted from a series of observations concerning the scientific and societal relevance of questions related to gas (particularly in the context of the energy transition and the rapid development of new technologies) and the opportunities offered by the complementary nature of the expertise present.

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Benoît Chèze
Economics and Environmental Evaluation Department, Economics and Technology Intelligence Division
Economics and Environmental Evaluation Department, Economics and Technology Intelligence Division
Dr. Benoît Chèze holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University Paris Nanterre, and two M.Sc. in Environmental and Natural Resources Economics (University Paris Nanterre) and in Macroeconomics

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Emmanuel HACHE
Economist-Foresight, Economics and Environmental Evaluation Department, Economics and Technology Intelligence Division,
Emmanuel HACHE holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Paris I and a Msc in Development Economics and Sociology from the Institut d'Étude du Développement Économique et Social (IEDES) of the