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Night city with superimposed digital data
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IFPEN is leading the MOBIDEC PEPR, an upstream research component supporting the French national acceleration strategy for the digitalization and decarbonization of mobility, alongside Gustave Eiffel University, joint leader of the research program. Integrated in the France 2030 objective, it is aimed at developing an efficient, sovereign and resilient mobility sector.
Carnot IFPEN Transports Energie
Innovation and Industry

Carnot IFPEN Transports Energie

The IFPEN Transports Energie Carnot Institute is an active player in the energy and environmental transition towards low-carbon and sustainable mobility. It proposes and develops innovative, technological and/or digital solutions for industry, users and public decision-makers, aimed at increasing the energy efficiency and reducing the environmental impacts of transport systems
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Thomas LEROY

Project Manager Electrochimical Systems and Energy Management
Thomas Leroy is graduated from ESSTIN and received the PhD degree in Control theory and Mathematics from the Ecole des Mines ParisTech, France, in 2010. He joined IFPEN as control research engineer on
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Mobility modeling and analysis research engineer
Pierre Michel obtained in 2015 a PhD from Université d’Orléans for his thesis work on Hybrid Electric Vehicle energy management. After a post-doc at Argonne National Laboratory on Connected and
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Gilles Bruneaux

Director, PhD in Energetics, Optical Diagnostics for Engine Combustion specialist
Engineering degree from Ecole Centrale Paris in 1992. PhD on combustion modeling in internal combustion engines at IFPEN/Ecole Centrale Paris, 1996. National accreditation to supervise research (HDR)
Connected Mobility
Innovation and Industry

Connected Mobility: Our strengths

CONNECTED Mobility Our strengths Tried and tested data science expertise. A development platform, Planet (Transport environmental analysis platform), set up as a common foundation to develop apps dedicated to the environmental analysis of transport? A website, Mobicloud, assembling mobility-related web services. Mobility data, algorithms and digital tools relating to air
Connected vehicles
Innovation and Industry

Connected Mobility: Our networks

CONNECTED mobility Our networks EUROPEAN NETWORKS POLIS: a network supporting innovation in the local transport sector IIFPEN is part of POLIS, a network of around 80 members including towns/cities, European regions and research players set up to support the development of innovative and sustainable technologies and policies in the local
Connected vehicle
Innovation and Industry

Connected Mobility: Our solutions

IFPEN develops services and applications for connected vehicles dedicated to energy analysis, eco-driving, pollutant emission monitoring and driving analysis in terms of safety.
Connected vehicles
Innovation and Industry

Connected mobility

Mobilité connectée Contexte et Enjeux At a time when mobility is evolving to address the objectives of decarbonization and pollutant gas emission reduction, mobility data and models represent crucially important resources in order to know and understand the impacts of usages both currently and in the future. The share of
Sustainable mobility
Innovation and Industry

Sustainable mobility

Reducing CO 2 and pollutant emissions, diversifying energy sources and incorporating the evolution in transport modes: these are the challenges associated with sustainable mobility for industry. IFPEN channels its expertise into addressing this triple challenge, within the framework of the IFPEN Transports Energie Carnot Institute. Its technological offer is structured