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Thibaud Chevalier

Research Engineer / Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering
Since 2024, Thibaud Chevalier has joined the Applied Physico-chemistry and Mechanics Division at IFP Energies nouvelles as a Fluid Mechanics Engineer and works on CO2 storage and geothermal energy. He
Numéro 39 de Science@ifpen
News in brief

Interactions between clay minerals and anionic surfactants

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Marie MARSIGLIA (Moiré)

Researcher - PhD in Physical-Chemistry
In 2012, Marie MARISGLIA (MOIRE) obtained her Master Degree in Chemistry and the French Engineer title from ENSCR. Three years later, she became PhD in Physical Chemistry from UPMC and won IFPEN My
Issue 37 Science@ifpen
News in brief

Foam rheology in porous media

For processes involving gas injection, such as enhanced oil recovery (EOR a) and CO 2 storage operations, the use of foam makes it easier to control gas mobility. Improving these processes requires
Issue 37 Science@ifpen
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Phase equilibria in confined media

In many geological reservoirs, pore size distribution is highly heterogeneous (from 2 to 50 nm). While the molecular size of the confined fluids is between 0.5 and 10 nm, their interaction forces with
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Research engineer in Physical Chemistry of Complex Fluids
PhD from the University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC)
Qualified to supervise research (ED388)
Christine Dalmazzone holds a doctorate and and a qualification to supervise research in physico-chemistry of processes from the University of Technology of Compiègne. She joined IFP Energies nouvelles
Issue 31 Science@ifpen
News in brief

Journey to the center of a droplet