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Fundamental Research
News 31 March 2021

“Floating Car Data” to improve air quality

IFPEN’s teams have developed a tool that, using data provided by connected vehicles (Floating Car Data or FCD), makes it possible to evaluate the pollution emitted by characteristic driving behaviors and, ultimately, produce a detailed map of vehicle pollutant emissions for different sections of a region’s road network. 

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Research engineer
Motorization for mobility (>2015) 6 publications, education in mechanical engineer school at Lyon (ECAM) Exploration of porous material synthesis and shaping for catalysis (2003-2014) 34 publications
Issue 52 of Science@ifpen
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Road transport emissions: integrated research for air quality!

According to the WHO, 7 million premature deaths worldwide each year are linked to poor air quality, a problem to which road transport makes a significant contribution. Thanks to regulatory and technological developments, as well as the renewal of the vehicle fleet, emissions from this sector have certainly been falling in recent years. However, it remains a major contributor to the deterioration of air quality...
A better description of turbulent flows for hydrogen powertrains
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A better description of turbulent flows for hydrogen powertrains

Within the framework of a global policy to reduce the emissions produced by the transport sector - particularly road transport - IFPEN is focusing on a complementary option along with vehicle electrification: the use of hydrogen powertrains. However, the use of hydrogen in IC engines first requires a comprehensive understanding of different phenomena, associated, for example, with interactions between the fuel and air...
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Mobility modeling and analysis research engineer
Pierre Michel obtained in 2015 a PhD from Université d’Orléans for his thesis work on Hybrid Electric Vehicle energy management. After a post-doc at Argonne National Laboratory on Connected and
Issue 43 of Science@IFPEN
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The detection, at a lower cost, of ultrafine exhaust gas soot particles

To protect public health, fine particle emissions produced by IC engines have been regulated by the European Union since the 1990s. In order to comply with these standards, particle filters...
Issue 43 of Science@IFPEN
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Two-phase flow simulations: all regimes are now accessible

Numerous technological applications requiring the use of numerical simulation involve complex two phase flows, as is the case with the engine injection context. Most calculation software...
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Chaouki HABCHI

Senior Researcher
HDR-Associated with SMEMaG Doctoral School CentraleSupelec
PhD from the Sorbonne University (PARIS-6) obtained in 1990 in the field of Computational Fluid Mechanics. HDR ( habilitation à diriger des recherches) from the Institut National Polytechnique de
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Stéphane RAUX

Head of Department / PhD in process engineering and advanced technologies
Stéphane Raux, graduated from the ESTACA engineering school and holder of a PhD in process engineering and advanced technologies from Sorbonne University-UPMC, works at IFP Energies nouvelles since
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Gilles Bruneaux

Director, PhD in Energetics, Optical Diagnostics for Engine Combustion specialist
Engineering degree from Ecole Centrale Paris in 1992. PhD on combustion modeling in internal combustion engines at IFPEN/Ecole Centrale Paris, 1996. National accreditation to supervise research (HDR)
Issue 40 of Science@IFPEN
News in brief

Looping the chemistry for clean energy

Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) is an airless combustion technology using oxygen carrier materials (OCM), which circulate between an oxidation and a reduction reaction zone. Separation into two