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Fundamental Research
News 26 April 2021

Predicting performance from atomic through to reactor scales to improve industrial processes

Using chemistry and quantum calculation techniques, researchers at IFPEN have developed predictive kinetic models directly from atomic scale through to reactor scale without the need to parametrize reaction rate constants k. Applied in the field of processes and transport, these models have proved extremely promising for performance prediction.

Science@ifpen n°57
News in brief

Biochemical conversion of biomass

The degradation of plant biomass by the Trichoderma reesei enzyme cocktail: composition, interactions and improvement avenues. The development of alternative, low-carbon energies is essential in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and tackle climate change. One example is second-generation bioethanol, produced from lignocellullosic biomass and used as a fuel in the mobility sector. The research of Senta Blanquet has focused on a crucial step in the production process for this biofuel: enzymatic hydrolysis.
Issue 53 of Science@ifpen
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Yves Chauvin Prize: Metabolic engineering at the heart of bio-based processes

Within the context of the energy transition, new bioprocesses are emerging as substitutes for processes using fossil resources. For example, Clostridium acetobutylicum is a microorganism capable of converting the large variety of sugars derived from lignocellulosic biomass into a raft of bio-based substances, via fermentation. This makes it a potential candidate for producing biofuels and/or chemical intermediates that can be used by industry....
The “Omics”, seven hired hands working for biotechnology
News in brief

The “Omics”, seven hired hands working for biotechnology

Most frequently, the use of a microorganism in the production of biofuels or biosourced chemicals requires its optimisation. This is achieved through genetic engineering, which involves inactivation and/or addition of one or more genes, to improve the ability of this microorganism to produce a target molecule. (...) At IFPEN, access to genomics (DNA) has helped in gathering data on the composition and structure of the genomes of the microorganisms...
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Research engineer
I carried out my thesis at CEA Grenoble (UMR 5249, UGA / CNRS / CEA), under the supervision of Professor Marc Fontecave and Dr. Hamid Atta, on [FeS] cluster metalloproteins (RimO, MiaB, MtaB) called
Issue 43 of Science@IFPEN
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Optimization of a microorganism of interest for the bioproduction of isopropanol and n-butanol

A major challenge of the energy transition, the substitution of petrochemical processes by bioprocesses requires the use of catalysts (or microorganisms) to produce molecules for industry...
Issue 41 of Science@IFPEN
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Hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass: study of enzyme-substrate interactions (HDR 2015)

The scope of my HDR covered ten years of research at IFPEN within the context of the development of Futurol™, a process aimed at producing 2nd-generation bioethanol from lignocellulosic biomass. My
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Research Engineer
Damien Hudebine obtained his degree in Chemical Engineering (ENSIC) in 1999 before completing his PhD in the kinetic modeling group of IFPEN in collaboration with ENS Lyon until 2002. He then joined
Numéro 40 de Science@IFPEN
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Extrapolating ethanol-from-biomass production technologies

The industrial production of ethanol from lignocellulosic biomass was demonstrated by the Futurol™ project a. The extrapolation and optimization of the process, along with its flexibility in terms of
Numéro 38 de Science@IFPEN
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F’Unlock project: to unlock plant biomass hydrolysis using enzymes

Lignocellulosic biomass is an interesting raw material for the production of fuels and chemical intermediates because it is abundant and has a much smaller environmental footprint than fossil