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Fundamental Research
News 01 December 2018

Issue 35 of Science@ifpen - Recent PhD graduates

The aim of fundamental research at IFPEN, structured around cross-functional and multidisciplinary scientific questions, is to build the skills and knowledge base required for the development of new solutions in the fields of energy, transport and climate.

Fundamental Research
News 21 November 2018

Awards for two IFPEN PhD students in the field of geosciences

- Xavier Mangenot received the 2018 Van Straelen prize from the French Geological Society; - Alexandre Lettéron received the 2018 thesis prize from the Association des Géologues du Sud-Est (South-East Geologists Association).

Individual page

Philippe BÉARD

Research engineer
Dr, PhD in Fluid Mechanics
PhD in Fluid Mechanics at ISAE-SUPAERO, Toulouse, France in 1994. Research engineer in the Systems Simulation and Modelling Department from 1996 to 2008. Since 2008, research engineer in the Chemical
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Sébastien ROHAIS (PhD)

Sébastien Rohais is geologist from the Albert-de-Lapparent Geological Institute (IGAL, UniLaSalle, MSc 2002), MSc from the National School for Petroleum and Engines (ENSPM, IFPSchool, 2003), doctor
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John Armitage

Research Scientist | Geomorphology | Sedimentology | Earth Sciences
I have a diverse background in Earth Science. In 2009 I obtained my PhD in Geophysics from the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK, with a focus on the geodynamics of the formation of
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Research engineer in scientific computing
Julien Coatléven graduated from ENSTA (Paris) and completed his doctoral thesis in Applied Mathematics at Ecole Polytechnique (Paris) and INRIA Rocquencourt. After completing post-doctoral research at
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Research engineer / project leader in optimization
PhD in applied mathematics
Master degree in numerical analysis (Paris 6 university) PhD in applied mathematics (Paris 13 university) : inversion problem of seismic tomography 2003-now : research engineer in applied mathematics
News in brief

Rock-Eval® : to find out more

Méthodes analytiques (détails), interprétation pour l’exploration pétrolière, littérature
News in brief

Rock-Eval® 7 Sulfur: calibration and verification

Table presenting reference materials, Reference values, Analytical methods
News in brief

Rock-Eval® : Thermal analysis of rocks and soils

Rock-Eval® : history of a process, applications, the method
Basin Reservoir
Innovation and Industry

Basins and reservoirs modeling and simulation: Our solutions

IFPEN develops innovative underground modelling and simulation solutions, at the scale of both sedimentary basins and reservoirs. These solutions are useful to manage uncertainties and to reduce risks related to underground exploration and exploitation.
Bassin Réservoir
Innovation and Industry

Basins and reservoirs modeling and simulation: Our strenghts

Basins and reservoirs modeling and simulation oUR sTRENGHTS Over the course of many years, IFPEN has developed renowned expertise in: descriptive and quantitative geosciences, sedimentology, petrophysics, geochemistry, and geological modeling physical sciences, physical chemistry of complex materials and fluids, fluid, solid and structural mechanics, and applied mathematics (numerical methods) Information