Since 2024, Thibaud Chevalier has joined the Applied Physico-chemistry and Mechanics Division at IFP Energies nouvelles as a Fluid Mechanics Engineer and works on CO2 storage and geothermal energy. He joined first IFP Energies nouvelles in 2016 as a research engineer in the Physics and Analysis department in charge of the low-field NMR and mercury porosimetry laboratories. From 2021 to 2023, he was also responsible for managing a group of 10 people and the laboratories for NMR, HPMI, SAXS, XRD, SEM and tomography labs. His researches focused on porous media characterization and transport of complex fluids for new energies (hydrate, CO2 storage, battery, catalyst support...). He has co-supervised 8 PhD students and he is the author of 30 articles and 1 patent.
Thibaud Chevalier graduated from Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan in 2010 and received his PhD in mechanical engineering in 2013 on the flow of yield stress fluids in confined geometries under the guidance of Philippe Coussot at laboratory NAVIER (University Paris-Est). He then completed his academic career with two post-doctorates combining numerical simulations and experimental works on complex fluids flows in heterogeneous porous media in collaboration firstly with L. Talon (University of Paris-Sud) and secondly with A. Puisto, M. Alava (University of Aalto) and S. Santucci (ENS lyon).ity), and S. Santucci (ENS Lyon).
Joint research laboratory (LCR) called "CARMEN" (2019-2024) in the field of materials characterization for new energies (CNRS, ENS de Lyon, IFP Énergies nouvelles (IFPEN), Sorbonne University, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, University of Strasbourg). The aim is to improve our understanding of molecular and/or colloidal transport in complex porous substrates and to develop new methodologies for the fine analysis of these porous materials in order to support the development of innovations for energy transition.
“CO2 storage in depleted reservoir: hydrates risk in the near wellbore” Gland N., Mascle M., Chevalier T., Dehghani P., Youssef S., Fleury M., Estublier A., Sinquin A., Pauget L. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 2025, Volume 141, 104298 - DOI:
Fig: Evolution of the liquid fraction measured by NMR during the formation and dissociation of hydrates.
“CO2 hydrate in porous media: a quantitative NMR method to detect formation, dissociation and localization” Chevalier T., Fleury M., Pauget L. and Sinquin A. Energy & Fuels 38, 22298−22306 (2024) - DOI:
“Cryoporometry for short T2 samples : a T1 filter method. Application to battery electrodes” Fleury M., Chevalier T., Nicot B., Denoyelle Q. and Bernard J. Magnetic Resonance Letters 2025 Just accepted- DOI:
Fig: Pore size distribution derived from the melting curve - Case of a NMC electrode.
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