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In a few words

PhD in Fluid Mechanics at ISAE-SUPAERO, Toulouse, France in 1994.

Research engineer in the Systems Simulation and Modelling Department from 1996 to 2008.

Since 2008, research engineer in the Chemical Engineering and Technology Department.

Teacher at IFP School, France, in Energy and Products program, from 2009 to 2018.

Teacher at CPE Lyon, France, in Process Engineering program, from 2014 to 2017.

Vice-president of the French Committee of IFRF (International Flame Research Foundation) from 2013 to 2020.

Member of ILASS (Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems) from 2000 to 2008.

Chairman of session "New and improved technologies" at international congress CHISA 2021.

Chairman of session "Spray modeling" at ILASS annual conference 2005, Irvine, USA.

Invitation to give an oral presentation at "Numerical modelling of polydispersed sprays" day at ENS Lyon, France in 2001.

21 published patents.

Research subjects
CO2 Capture
Gas treatment
Compressed air energy storage

2024-2028: ANR FILLMORE project (ANR-23-CE51-0046), scientific leader for IFPEN, partners: CNRS (LGPM, EM2C), LOCIE, EDF.

2011-2014: ANR VALOGAZ project (ANR-10-EESI-005), partners: CNRS (EM2C), Arcelor Mittal.

2008-2010: ANR TACOMA project (ANR-06-CO2-010), partners: TOTAL, GDF-SUEZ, CNRS (ICARE), Divergent.

2002-2006: European project LESSCO2 (EC contract ENK6-CT-2002-00616), partners: CNRS, Peugeot, BMW, AVL, Aachen University, …


“A consistent methodology to transport a passive scalar with the geometric Volume-of-Fluid method isoAdvector”, A. Tourbier, L. Gamet, T. Michel, P. Béard, J. Aubin, H. Jasak, Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 513, 2024,

“3D CFD simulation of single phase and two- phase flow in rotating packed beds (RPB) for CO2 capture: influence of geometry”, P. Béard, V. Penin, P. Alix, 26th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (CHISA), Prague, Czech Republic, 2022.

“Towards 3D CFD simulation of two- phase flow in rotating packed bed (RPB) for CO2 capture”, P. Béard, V. Penin, P. Alix, CHISA (virtually), 2021.

“Validation of CFD simulation of thermal energy storage (TES) in two pilot scale packed-beds of gravels”, P. Béard, L. Noël, P. Balz, E. Noël, CHISA (virtually), 2021.

“Quantitative pollutant modelling: An essential prerequisite for diesel HCCI and LTC engine design”, V. Knop, H. Kircher, S. Jay, Ph. Béard, A. Pires da Cruz, O. Colin, Oil & Gas Science and Technology - Rev. IFP, vol. 63, No. 4, 2008,

"Improved Modelling of DI Diesel Engines Using Sub-grid Descriptions of Spray and Combustion," P. Béard, O. Colin, M. Miche, SAE Technical Paper 2003-01-0008, 2003,

"Extension of Lagrangian-Eulerian Spray Modeling: Application to High Pressure Evaporating Diesel Sprays," P. Béard, J. Duclos, C. Habchi, G. Bruneaux, K. Mokaddem, T. Baritaud, SAE Technical Paper 2000-01-1893, 2000,


Full list of publications:
