In a few words

Motorization for mobility (>2015)

6 publications, education in mechanical engineer school at Lyon (ECAM)

Exploration of porous material synthesis and shaping for catalysis (2003-2014)

34 publications, 19 patents, member of French zeolite group (GFZ), supervision of 13 doctoral and post-doctoral students, education at University of Poitiers (Associate Degree in chemistry) and training for businesses in chemical engineering school at Lyon (CPE)

Upscaling of porous material synthesis and shaping for catalysis (1993-2002)

10 publications, 23 patents, member of a global network in particle science and technology (IFPRI), supervision of 7 doctoral and post-doctoral students, education at University of Bordeaux (Master 2)

Research subjects
Conversion of LDV engine from Diesel to hydrogen - Partnerhip with Phinia, Tenneco and TotalEnergies
Mesostructured alumina synthesis for distillate HDS - PhD supervision - Partnership with UCCS laboratory at University of Lille
Zeolite synthesis industrialization for xylene isomerization - Partnership with Zeolyst

H2 MDV combustion engine demonstrator

PLH2 consortium, funded by French energy transition agency (ADEME), partnership with Volvo, TotalEnergies…

Zeolite micro-composites synthesis

PhD supervision, partnership with IS2M laboratory at University of Haute Alsace

Drying and extrusion of alumina pastes for reforming catalysts

Project manager (2008-2014), partnership with Axens

IFPEN manager of SEPAL project funded by French research agency (ANR), partnership with Axens, CTI, laboratory I2M at University of Bordeaux


Rouleau L., Nowak L., Duffour F., Walter B., Assessment of dilution options on hydrogen internal combustion engine, SAE Technical Paper, 2024-24-0066, 2024. doi:10.4271/2023-24-0066.

Laget O., Rouleau L., Cordier M., Duffour F., Maio G., Giuffrida V., Kumar R., Nowak L., A comprehensive study for the identification of the requirements for an optimal H2 combustion engine, International J of Engine Research, (2023) 1-17, doi:10.1177/14680874231167618.

Rouleau L., Duffour F., Walter B., Kumar R. Nowak L., Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine, SAE Technical Paper 2021-24-0060, 2021, doi:10.4271/2021-24-0060.