Numerical identifier

ORCID : 0000-0002-4877-2558

In a few words

Julien Coatléven graduated from ENSTA (Paris) and completed his doctoral thesis in Applied Mathematics at Ecole Polytechnique (Paris) and INRIA Rocquencourt. After completing post-doctoral research at INRIA Saclay for CEA NeuroSpin, he joined IFPEN as a research engineer specializing in scientific computing. His activities mainly focus on numerical methods for the approximate resolution of partial differential equations occurring in many physical models. His publication list is available at RESEARCHGATE or ORCID.

Postal address: IFPEN, Direction Sciences et Technologies du Numérique, Département Mathématiques Appliquées, 1 et 4 avenue de Bois Préau, 92852 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex.


Research subjects
Numerical methods on general meshes
Meshless and particle methods

Contributing to applicative codes:

  • Stratigraphic modelling by DionisosFlow: simulation of sedimentary basins at regional scale and geological time scale, considering the coupling between many physical processes (in particular water flow and erosion/transport of sediments).
  • Basin modelling by TemisFlow: simulation of petroleum systems at basin scale: modelling of fluid flow in evolutive geometrically complex porous media at geological time scale, with thermal processes modelling including hydrocarbon cracking.
  • Reactive transport simulation by CooresFlow: modelling of complex fluid flows in porous media, with thermochemistry, fluid injection and production.
  • Wind turbine modelling inside Deeplines Wind: simulation of turbulent incompressible flow using particle methods.

Publication list available at RESEARCHGATE or ORCID.