In a few words

Engineer from CPE Lyon (2000), PhD from Université Lyon 1 (2003) and holder of the Accreditation to supervise research (Université Lyon 1) since February 2023 on “The life cycle of hydrotreating catalysts: from the genesis of the active phase to catalyst recycling”. After completing a PhD at IRCElyon under the supervision of Christophe Geantet, in collaboration with PETROBRAS (Brasil), on the study of noble metal catalysts supported on zirconia for the hydrodenitrogenation of diesel fuel, I completed a post-doc in 2004 at the X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Laboratory of the J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry in Prague (Czech Republic).

In 2005, I joined IFPEN's Catalysis, Biocatalysis and Separation division as a research engineer, working in the Catalysis by Sulfide department to develop catalysts for the selective hydrodesulfurization of FCC gasolines and gas oils. In 2013, I was hired for 2 years at the Axelera competitiveness cluster as a project and innovation manager, which enabled me to discover a network and themes strongly related to chemistry for the environment. In 2015, back at IFPEN, I worked on the reuse of catalysts via their regeneration and rejuvenation, and took charge of the “Hydrotreating catalyst rejuvenation” project in 2019. Since 2022, I am also in charge of the “Catalyst metals recycling” project.

Meanwhile, I have supervised masters (16), doctoral (11) and post-doctoral (3) students, and regularly give internal and external training courses on diesel hydrotreating catalysts, their life cycle and recycling.

I am also an active member of the SCF (French Chemical Society), former president of GECAT (2012-2015) and in this context helped organize 3 French Catalysis Congresses. Currently secretary of the DIVCAT catalysis division (2022-2027), I was Chair of the session “Catalysis in refining and petrochemistry: current and future trends” at the 18th International Catalysis Congress (ICC) held in Lyon in July 2024, and I'm currently on the organizing committee for FCCAT 2025 (French Conference on Catalysis).).

In terms of scientific production, I have co-authored 35 articles published in peer-reviewed journals (H-index = 19), 3 book chapters, 34 patents, 1 invited presentation at GECAT 2018.

Research subjects
Preparation, characterization and recycling of hydrotreating catalysts
Areas of expertise

-    Identification of key parameters for the extraction of critical metals by catalyst leaching (PhD Lama El Haraty, coll. Univ Lorraine, 2024-2027)
-    Quick-XAS operando characterization of the role of the organic additive on the liquid-phase sulfidation mechanism of hydrotreating catalysts (PhD Clément Lesage, coll. Synchrotron SOLEIL, 2016-2019)
-    ANR Innovative approach to assessing the potential of hydrotreating catalyst supports– InnovCat, coll. IRCELyon (2006-2009)



C. Lesage, E. Devers, C. Legens, O. Roudenko, O. Delpoux, A. Beauvois, T. Putaud, V. Briois, ChemCatChem (2024), 0, e202401403, Speciation of the Oxide Phase of Molybdenum-Based HDS Catalysts Enhanced with Organic Additives Using an EXAFS/Raman Coupling Methodology,

R. Garcia de Castro, E. Devers, M. Digne, A.-F. Lamic-Humblot, G. D. Pirngruber, X. Carrier, ChemCatChem (2022) e202101493, Role of Phosphorus and Triethylene Glycol Incorporation on the Activity of Model Alumina-Supported CoMoS Hydrotreating Catalysts,

F. Pelardy, A. Daudin, E. Devers, C. Dupont, P. Raybaud, S. Brunet, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 183 (2016) 317–327, Deep HDS of FCC gasoline over alumina supported CoMoS catalyst: Inhibiting effects of carbon monoxide and water,

C. Bara, L. Plais, K. Larmier, E. Devers, M. Digne, A.-F. Lamic-Humblot, G.D. Pirngruber, X. Carrier, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 137 (2015) 15915−15928, Aqueous-Phase Preparation of Model HDS Catalysts on Planar Alumina Substrates: Support Effect on Mo Adsorption and Sulfidation,

D. Laurenti, B. Phung-Ngoc, C. Roukoss, E. Devers, K. Marchand, L. Massin, L. Lemaitre, C. Legens, A.-A. Quoineaud, M. Vrinat, Journal of Catalysis, 297 (2013) 165-175, Intrinsic potential of alumina-supported CoMo catalysts in HDS: comparison between gamma-c, gamma-T and delta-alumina,