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In a few words

Dr. Benoît Chèze holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University Paris Nanterre, and two M.Sc. in Environmental and Natural Resources Economics (University Paris Nanterre) and in Macroeconomics (University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne) respectively. He is an economist at IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN) since 2009. A part of his assignments in this French public-sector research center consists in being i) the project leader of the Economics Department’s research program and ii) in charge of one of the nine IFPEN’s scientific challenges entitled “Economic and environmental challenges of the energy transition”. He is also an associate research fellow at the Joint Research Units of both EconomiX-CNRS (University Paris Nanterre ) and Public Economics (INRA & AgroParisTech). His research and lecture activities include applied econometrics and behavioral economics in the fields of environmental, transportation and energy economics. His research interests focus on the analysis of the effectiveness of various public policy measures promoting an energy transition in line with the fight against climate change.

Research subjects
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
Public Economics

2020 – 2023 :  FRAME - FRAMing Effect for a sustainable mobility promotion. ADEME – PRIMEQUAL 2020.

2018 – 2021 :  E4T 2040 - Etude Energétique, Economique et Environnementale du Transport – Horizon 2040. ADEME.

2012 – 2015:  SCelecTRA - Scenarios for the Electrification of Transports. FP7 ERA–NET.


Chèze B., Chevallier J., Berghmans N., Alberola, E., 2020, On the CO2 emissions determinants during the EU ETS Phases I and II: a plant-level analysis merging the EUTL and Platts power data, The Energy Journal, Vol. 41 (4).

Chèze B., David M., Martinet V., 2020, Understanding farmers' reluctance to reduce pesticide use: A choice experiment, Ecological Economics, Vol. 167.

Bouter A., Chèze B., 2018, Monétarisation d’impacts environnementaux – État de l’art et analyse critique de la littérature existante – Annexe 3c du rapport final du projet MODEXT, Report, MODEXT (ADEME, Fondation 2019).

Hache E., Tchung-Ming S., Chèze B., Gastineau P., 2016, What public policies are required to stimulate European electric vehicle sales up to 2030? At what cost, and with what level of social equality?, Note de synthèse Panorama, IFPEN.

Chèze B., Gastineau P., Tchung-Ming, S., 2015, Policy scenario to sustain electric vehicle deployment, Report, EU, SCelecTRA (FP7 ERA-NET project).

Menten F., Chèze B., Patouillard L., Bouvart F., 2013, A review of LCA greenhouse gas emissions results for advanced biofuels: the use of Meta-Regression Analysis, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 26, pp. 108-134.

Chèze B., Chevallier J., Gastineau P., 2013, Will technological progress be sufficient to stabilize CO2 emissions from air transport in the mid-term?, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Vol. 18, pp. 91-96.

Chèze B., Gastineau, P., Chevallier J., 2012, Air traffic energy efficiency differs from place to place: new results from a macro-level approach, International Economics, Vol. 126-127, pp. 31-58.

Chèze B., Gastineau P., Chevallier J., 2011, Forecasting world and regional aviation jet fuel demands to the mid-term (2025), Energy Policy, Vol. 39, n°9, pp. 5147-5158.

Alberola E., Chèze B., Chevallier J., 2009, Emissions Compliances and Carbon Prices under the EU ETS: A Country Specific Analysis of Industrial Sectors, Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 31, n°3, pp. 446-462.

Alberola E., Chèze B., Chevallier J., 2008, The EU Emissions Trading Scheme: the Effects of Industrial Production and CO2 Emissions on European Carbon Prices, International Economics, Vol. 116, pp. 93-126.

Alberola E., Chèze B., Chevallier J., 2008, Price Drivers and Structural Breaks in European Carbon Prices 2005-2007, Energy Policy, Vol. 36, n°2, pp. 787-797.