Chercheur au département Mathématiques Appliquées d’IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN) depuis 2014. Au sein d’IFPEN, Soleiman Yousef participe aux activités de recherche en amont des travaux de développement de logiciels.
Papers published :
16- S. Yousef, An a posteriori-based, local multilevel mesh refinement for the Darcy porous media flow problem, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (Accepted)
15- J. Qu, S. Yousef, T. Faney, J-C Hemptinne, P. Gallinari, NNEoS : Neural network-based thermodynamically consistent equation of state for fast and accurate flash calculations, Applied Energy, Volume 374, 2024, 124025, ISSN 0306-2619,
14- I. Ben Gharbia, J. Ferzly, M. Vohralík, S. Yousef, Adaptive inexact smoothing Newton method for a nonconforming discretization of a variational inequality, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Volume 133, 2023, Pages 12-29, ISSN 0898-1221,
13- J. Qu, T. Faney, J-C Hemptinne, S. Yousef, P. Gallinari, PTFlash : A vectorized and parallel deep learning framework for two-phase flash calculation, Fuel, Volume 331, Part 1, 2023, 125603, ISSN 0016-2361,
12- I. Ben Gharbia, J. Ferzly, M. Vohralík, S. Yousef, Semismooth and smoothing Newton methods for nonlinear systems with complementarity constraints: adaptivity and inexact resolution, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 420 (2023) 114765, https://doi .org /10 .
1016 /j .cam .2022 .114765.
11- A. Anciaux-Sedrakian, L. Grigori, Z. Jorti, S. Yousef, Adaptive linear solution process for single-phase Darcy flow. Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 2020 | journal-article. DOI: 10.2516/ogst/2020050
10- A. Anciaux-Sedrakian, L. Grigori, Z. Jorti, S. Yousef, An a posteriori-based adaptive preconditioner for controlling a local algebraic error norm. BIT Numerical Mathematics 2020-08-03 | journal-article. DOI: 10.1007/s10543-020-00822-3
9- G. Mallik, M. Vohralík, S. Yousef, Goal-oriented a posteriori error estimation for conforming and nonconforming approximations with inexact solvers. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 366 (2020), 112367.
8- A. Anciaux-Sedrakian, L. Grigori, Z. Jorti, J. Papez, S. Yousef, Adaptive resolution of linear systems based on a posteriori error estimators, Numerical Algorithms, pp 1-34, 2019.
7- M. Vohralík, S. Yousef, A simple a posteriori estimate on general polytopal meshes with applications to complex porous media flows. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 331 (2018), 728–760
6- L. Grigori, F. Nataf, S. Yousef, S. Donfack, R. Lacroix, Robust algebraic Schur complement preconditioners based on low rank corrections , in submission, 2017, preliminary version published as INRIA TR 8557.
5- J-M. Gratien, O. Ricois, S. Yousef, Reservoir Simulator Runtime Enhancement Based on a Posteriori Error Estimation Techniques. Oil & Gas Science and Technology. 71, 5 (2016), 59.
4- A. Anciaux-Sedrakian, L. Grigori, S. Moufawad, S. Yousef, S-step BiCGStab Algorithms for Geoscience Dynamic Simulations, Oil and Gas Science and Technology, Rev. IFP Energies nouvelles, 2016.
3- D. A. Di Pietro, M. Vohralík, S. Yousef, Adaptive regularization, linearization, and discretization and a posteriori error control for the two-phase Stefan problem. Math. Comp. 84, 291 (2015), 153–186.
2- D. A. Di Pietro, M. Vohralík, S. Yousef, An a posteriori-based, fully adaptive algorithm with adaptive stopping criteria and mesh refinement for thermal multiphase compositional flows in porous media. Comput. Math. Appl. 68, 12 B (2014), 2331–2347.
1- D. A. Di Pietro, E. Flauraud, M. Vohralík, S. Yousef, A posteriori error estimates, stopping criteria, and adaptivity for multiphase compositional Darcy flows in porous media. J. Comput. Phys. 276 (2014), 163–187.