Mobilité connectée
Contexte et Enjeux
At a time when mobility is evolving to address the objectives of decarbonization and pollutant gas emission reduction, mobility data and models represent crucially important resources in order to know and understand the impacts of usages both currently and in the future.
The share of the transport sector in CO₂ emissions in France
In France, the transport sector emits more CO₂ than any other (32% in 2022), ahead of industry, agriculture and construction. In 2022, transport sector emissions came from light vehicles (52%), trucks (25%), commercial vehicles (15%), domestic aviation (4%), motorcycles, and sea, river and rail traffic (4%).
IFPEN has a transport environmental analysis platform, from which it deploys a wide range of tools designed to measure the impact of current uses, and to quantify and objectify decarbonization and pollution reduction trajectories on a national or regional scale. These tools are aimed at local authorities, road sector professionals and the general public.

The French national low-carbon strategy and the future of mobility
Unveiled on 4 November 2024, the third version of the French national low-carbon strategy (SNBC) sets out plans to bring the country’s greenhouse gas emissions down from 373 Mt of CO2 equivalent in 2023 to 270 Mt in 2030. Transport sector emissions are set to drop from 131 Mt to 90 Mt.
In order to decarbonize the transport sector by 2050, the demand for transport will need to fall against a backdrop of structural changes. The main levers to ensure a successful route to decarbonization involve improving the energy efficiency of vehicles, using biofuels, banning IC vehicles by 2040, deploying appropriate infrastructures, and promoting public transport, car-pooling, cycling and walking.
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