Our strengths
Focused on new energy technologies and sustainable mobility, IFPEN’s R&I activities are aimed at developing competitive and sustainable technologies.
IFPEN can support the development of the industrial hydrogen sector by contributing its expertise, with multidisciplinary teams and an international dimension (European projects, JIPs, partnerships).
IFPEN’s cross-cutting positioning throughout the “Hydrogen” value chain
IFPEN's expertise covers the production, storage, transport and different energy uses of decarbonized hydrogen. Some of its expertise is directly mobilized for the solutions it develops in this specific field, while other cross-functional areas of expertise can be applied to hydrogen for the energy transition:
Decarbonization of industry
IFPEN’s CO2 capture technologies contribute to the decarbonization of biorefineries, the refining sector and industrial units, which consume a lot of energy and emit high levels of CO2 (steel and cement production).
>> See IFPEN’s CO2 capture solutions to decarbonize hydrogen.
The eco-efficient biogas purification processes developed by IFPEN can also support the production of decarbonized hydrogen. Biogas, a mixture made up of methane and CO2 produced by a biological conversion process known as methanization, offers the potential to produce hydrogen via reforming.
Decarbonization of transport
Hydrogen can be combined with a fuel cell or used directly as a fuel in an IC engine, first of all in heavy trucks and off-road vehicles.
>> See IFPEN’s hydrogen solutions applied to mobility
Hydrogen transport and storage
With its experimental capacity in the field of corrosion and its tried and tested CO2 capture technologies, IFPEN is capable of overcoming the various problems associated with hydrogen storage and transport.
>> Read about IFPEN’s expertise, tools and partnerships concerning this theme