IFPEN, a French public research establishment, is at the crossroads of fundamental research, innovation and industrialization, working to support the energy and ecological transition.
On the strength of its position, IFPEN has the credentials to actively contribute to European-level public debates in its fields of expertise, particularly in the following areas:
- the structuring of European research and its principal funding instruments
- decarbonization policies and the solutions to be deployed to foster the emergence of a sustainable economy
To this end, IFPEN is positioned across a broad range of themes.
European funding dedicated to research and innovation (FP10)
IFPEN details a set of strategic recommendations concerning the preparation of the upcoming FP10.
This position paper highlights its vision for shaping the future of research and innovation in Europe.
> Download the Position Paper (PDF - 500 Ko)
Plastics recycling
IFPEN details its position and recommendations with respect to overcoming the major regulatory challenges associated with plastics recycling.
> Download the Position Paper (PDF - 580 Ko)