
Within numerous networks and technological platforms, IFPEN is participating in the construction of a European research and innovation area in the fields of the environment, energy and mobility. IFPEN has worked for many years alongside industrial and academic research partners within various European structures.

IFPEN, at the heart of European partnerships and associations 

European partnerships bring together the European Commission and public and private players to address the major challenges facing Europe through research and innovation initiatives.

They play a key role in the implementation of Horizon Europe and contribute to delivering the EU’s political priorities by more effectively coordinating investments and the actions of research and innovation players.

IFPEN actively participates in these European partnerships: examples include the 2Zero partnership for green vehicles, the Batteries European Partnership Association (BEPA), and the CCAM partnership for cooperative, connected and automated mobility. 

By joining networks such as Polis in 2020, IFPEN supports the deployment of innovative technologies and policies in the field of sustainable local transport. In addition, IFPEN participates in initiatives such as CO2 Value Europe and works closely with leading players in the low-carbon hydrogen sector such as the Clean Hydrogen Alliance and Hydrogen Europe, pivotal players in the Clean Hydrogen partnership.
These commitments enable IFPEN to actively contribute to the preparation of Horizon Europe strategies, calls for projects and the future 10th framework program.

Europe and mobility
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Founded in 2002 by IFPEN and five other members, the EARPA (European Automotive Research Partners Association) brings together Europe’s leading mobility research and development organizations. EARPA has 56 members, including the IFPEN Transports Energie Carnot Institute.

Europe and deep tech
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The EIC Scaling Club, of which IFPEN is a member, was created to stimulate and promote deep tech excellence in Europe. IFPEN is fully invested in this initiative and chairs the EIC Scaling Club’s renewable energies group.


Logo : Horizon Europe

IFPEN, a pillar of French support for Horizon Europe

By playing an active role in National Themed Groups (NTGs), IFPEN helps define the French position with regards to the Horizon Europe program. 
In addition to its role in NTGs, the network of “national contact points” counts among its members some IFPEN representatives, responsible for informing and supporting players seeking to join the Horizon Europe program. 
This reinforces the role of the institute in French research and its links with national bodies responsible for the program.


Spotlight on the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA)

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IFPEN is a member of the Executive Committee of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA), the biggest low-emission energy research community in Europe, created in 2008 to better align the research and development activities of the various research organizations with the priorities of the SET Plan, and to establish a joint programming framework at EU level.
IFPEN is an active member of six of the 18 joint programs coordinated by EERA, providing scientific expertise relating to three major themes: low-carbon technologies, materials and energy systems.

Did you know?
The SET Plan was established in 2007 and since the creation of the energy union in 2015, it has become one of the principal instruments of the energy union’s fifth pillar, namely research, innovation and competitiveness. By improving new technologies and reducing their costs through coordinated national research efforts, the SET Plan helps promote cooperation between the EU’s member countries, companies and research institutes. To this end, it helps coordinate national research and innovation activities aimed at developing low-carbon energy between EU and associated countries, and align national research and innovation programs with its agenda.

IFPEN, an active participant in European Technology and Innovation Platforms (ETIPs)    

The European Technology and Innovation Platforms (ETIPs), created to support the SET Plan, bring together players from the EU, industry and research in key fields. Their objective is to encourage the adoption of energy technologies by pooling funding, expertise and facilities. The ETIPs are responsible for drawing up strategies, identifying research and innovation weaknesses and promoting cooperation and information sharing. They link technological advances to the challenges of growth, competitiveness and sustainability, while defining European research priorities to better address industrial needs. 

IFPEN is active in various ETIPs, including:

  • Zero Emission Platform (ZEP): the roll out of carbon capture, utilization and storage technologies
  • Bioenergy: the development of innovative and competitive bioenergy and biofuel solutions
  • Geothermal: the deployment of geothermal energy 
  • ERTRAC: the development of sustainable and integrated road transport solutions
  • ETP4HPC: promotion of R&I in the field of high-performance computing
  • Batteries Europe: development and support of a competitive value chain for batteries