Rock-Eval® 7 Sulfur, the latest version of Rock-Eval, is used to quantify the sulfur content of oils, kerogens, some rocks and soils. It makes it possible to identify some sulfur-containing minerals, such as metal sulfides.
Its multipoint calibration improves the reliability and accuracy of the analysis results. Six reference materials have been specifically created by IFPEN, covering broad ranges of sulfur and carbon contents. Users thus have access to four source rocks, one kerogen and one reservoir rock in the form of a materials calibration kit supplied by Vinci Technologies.
• Table presenting reference materials(PDF - 680 Ko) :

• Reference values:
- IFPEN-160 000
- IFPEN-300 000
- IFPEN-310 000
- IFPEN-320 000
- IFPEN-400 000
- IFPEN-500 000
• Analytical methods (PDF - 730 Ko)
> Find out more about analytical methods
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Méthodes analytiques (détails), interprétation pour l’exploration pétrolière, littérature