2 minutes of reading
On November 18, 2020, as part of the Carnot Meetings, Violaine Lamoureux-Var was awarded the 2020 FIEEC Carnot Prize for Applied Research. This award distinguishes work carried out in collaboration with a SME, with a real impact on revenue growth and job creation.

The FIEEC Carnot Prize honors the Carnot IFPEN Ressources Energétiques for its collaboration with the SME Vinci Technologies in the development of a geochemical analysis tool for rock samples: the Rock-Eval® 7S. The partnership focused on the development of new analysis and interpretation methods, as well as the validation of the equipment. Rock-Eval® 7S provides data for understanding petroleum systems and assessing soil quality, such as fertility or their role in climate regulation.
(Video in French)
The FIEEC Carnot Prize was also awarded to Nicolas Sabouret, from the Carnot Cognition Institute, for his collaboration with the SME Davi, a software publisher that develops and markets an artificial intelligence platform dedicated to animated conversational agents (smartbots).