2 minutes of reading
IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN) has just launched its plug im! open access platform aimed at the scientific community and industry.
The objective is to make signal and image processing accessible to non-experts to support the development of their innovations.
The plug im! platform, developed by IFPEN, brings together specific modules designed by IFPEN or its industrial and academic partners, dedicated to the processing and analysis of signals, images and 3D volumes. These modules are based on advanced algorithms at the cutting edge of technology.
The user-friendly plug im! platform also enables automatic processing of several pieces of data without a single line of code. Users will find it very easy to add and create their own module, using their favorite programming language.
Among its various modules, plug im! proposes:
- an innovative 3D reconstruction approach for the surface representation of materials for scanning electron microscopy,
- easy-to-adjust, robust baseline estimation algorithms with few parameters,
- and multi-scale simulation algorithms modeling the 3D microstructure of materials.
Thanks to its modular structure and open access status, plug im! can be enhanced over time by the scientific community to become a benchmark in the field of signal and image processing.
Moreover, additional, more specific developments may be incorporated by IFPEN on request.

Find out more or download plug im! >> www.plugim.fr