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IFPEN Scienc'Innov Workshop: Learning from scientific data in energy (DATASCIEN'2018); 16-17 January 2018.
A 2-day interdisciplinary conference for academics, software developers and industry practitioners.
Advances in algorithms and computing power as well as a tremendous increase in data availability and storage in the last decades have led to massive social changes.
However, the use of scientific and technical data to successfully solve industrial problems is a specific challenge that requires close collaboration between the different professionals involved in data analysis.

Thanks to all participants, speakers, authors. You made the event a succes!
The Organizing Committee
Co-Organized by
This conference co-hosted by IFPEN and Inria aims at bringing together multi-disciplinary researchers, software editors and industry practitioners from the energy sector working on problems with large and complex datasets.
The emphasis is on the practical application of state of the art algorithms to extract information from experimental and simulated data.
Special attention was given to contributions relevant to the following themes:
Advance in learning algorithms
Frameworks and platforms for data gathering and analysis
Application of learning algorithms to solve industrial problems
Keynote speakers:
Patrick Gallinari - UPMC, LIP6
Olivier Grisel - Inria
Michel Lutz - Total
Organizing Committee
Frédéric Chazal (INRIA, France)
Thibault Faney (Scientific Correspondent, IFPEN, France)
Jean-François Lecomte (IFPEN, France)
Miguel Munoz Zuniga (IFPEN, France)
Scientific Committee
Grégoire Allaire (Ecole Polytechnique, France)
Frédéric Chazal (INRIA, France)
Thibault Faney (Scientific Correspondent, IFPEN, France)
Erwan Le Pennec (Ecole Polytechnique, France)
Miguel Munoz Zuniga (IFPEN and GdR MASCOT-NUM, France)
Gaël Varoquaux (INRIA, France)
OGST Editorial Committee
Benoît Noetinger (IFPEN, France)
Download the program (PDF - 160Ko)
Download the conference highlights (PDF - 220Ko)