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In the occasion of the European Sustainable Development Week
IFP School launches the 2nd edition of its MOOC on tomorrow's mobility
> Registration are now open!
Following the considerable success of its two previous MOOC on Tomorrow’s Mobility – more than 8,500 people signed up, with a satisfaction rate of 94% - IFP School launch again this Mooc, in collaboration with IFP Training and Vedecom. Focusing on sustainable technologies for the automotive sector, the program will run for a four-week period, starting from 2 November 2020.
IFP School firmly believes that technological innovations related to mobility will have a major impact when it comes to tackling environmental challenges. Its faculty members therefore came up with this MOOC to provide a wide spectrum of knowledge to students and professionals in the automotive sector:
- the environmental and legislative framework that governs forthcoming technological developments;
- the benefits and limitations of various electric and hybrid powertrains for meeting the needs and constraints of tomorrow's mobility;
- driverless vehicles and new forms of mobility.
In addition to the usual videos, interactive quizzes, discussion forums and mentoring, this MOOC uses innovative teaching methods focusing on the application of knowledge, in line with the graduate programs that give IFP School its reputation:
- virtual reality: to fully immerse yourself in connected vehicles and gain a better understanding of the components;
- serious games: to enable participants to design their own electric powertrain.
Useful information
- Title: Tomorrow's Mobility: sustainable technologies for the automotive sector
- Registration: free on https://mooc.mobility.ifp-school.com/Minisite/home/14365
- Duration: Four weeks, starting 2 November 2020
- Estimated workload: 3 hours per week
- Language: English, subtitled in French
- Prerequisites: at least 2 years of higher education
- Program:
o Energy transition, sustainable mobility and legislation
o Electric powertrains and electric vehicles
o Hybrid vehicles
o Connected and self-driving vehicles
- Certificate: free
- Contact: mooc@ifpen.fr
Key figures of the two first edition MOOC on Tomorrow’s Mobility 8,500 participants |
About IFP School
An integral part of IFP Energies nouvelles, IFP School prepares tomorrow’s specialists to take up the challenges associated with the energy transition. Open to graduate students from around the world, IFP School provides a full range of training programs delivered in French or English in every area of the energy field (oil, gas, petrochemicals, powertrains, new energy technologies, energy markets). The School has built up a very solid international reputation, backed up by close partnerships with research and industrial players (each year, 50% of its student intake is international, coming from around fifty different countries, and 80% of its students are sponsored by industry.