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Outstanding success for the MASCOT-NUM 2019 Annual Conference, hosted by IFPEN
(18-20 March 2019)
As a member of this research group from the outset, IFPEN hosted, from 18 to 20 March 2019 in Rueil Malmaison, the 14th annual GDR Mascot-Num conference, dedicated to data assimilation, uncertainty quantification, statistical techniques for machine learning and numerical analysis.
This latest conference, led by Miguel Munoz Zuniga from the Digital Science and Technology Division, focused in particular on statistical approaches to model inversion, design of experiments, sensitivity analysis, as well as reliability and optimization.
With more than a hundred attendees from academia and industry, this conference provided an opportunity for researchers specializing in these various fields to present a review of their work and to exchange with their peers on the latest developments in this field.

Thanks to all participants, speakers, authors. You made the event a succes!
The Organizing Committee
Co-Oganized by
Local Organizing Committee - IFPEN
Miguel Munoz Zuniga
Delphine Sinoquet
François Wahl
Executive Committee
Bertrand Iooss (EDF, France)
Hervé Monod (INRA, France)
Miguel Munoz Zuniga (IFPEN, France)
Anthony Nouy (Ecole Centrale of Nantes, France)
Clémentine Prieur (Univ. Grenoble-Alpes, France)
Scientific Committee
Julien Bect (Centrale Supelec, France)
Gerard Biau (Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, France)
Sébastien Da Veiga (SAFRAN Group, France)
Virginie Ehrlacher (CERMICS, France)
Thibault Faney (IFPEN, France)
Anne-Laure Fougères (Univ. Claude Bernard - Lyon 1, France)
Fabrice Gamboa (Univ. Paul Sabatier of Toulouse, France)
Josselin Garnier (Univ. Claude Bernard - Lyon 1, France)
David Ginsbourger (Univ. of Berne, Switzerland)
Arnaud Guyader (Univ. Paris Sorbonne, France)
Céline Helbert (Ecole centrale of Lyon, France)
Bertrand Iooss (EDF, France)
Didier Lucor (Limsi, France)
Fabien Mangeant (Renault, France)
Amandine Marrel (CEA, France)
Hervé Monod (INRA, France)
Miguel Munoz Zuniga (IFPEN, France)
Anthony Nouy (Ecole Centrale of Nantes, France)
Guillaume Perrin (CEA, France)
Christophe Picard (Ensimag, France)
Dominique Picard (Univ.Paris Diderot, France)
Victor Picheny (INRA, France)
Clémentine Prieur (Univ. Grenoble-Alpes, France)
Luc Pronzato (Laboratoire I3S, France)
Olivier Roustant (Ecole des Mines of St-Etienne, France)
Delphine Sinoquet (IFPEN, France)
Bruno Sudret (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Emmanuel Vasquez (Central Supelec, France)
François Wahl (IFPEN, France)
Download the final program (PDF - 128Ko)
Download the abstract book (PDF - 128Ko)