
15 minutes of reading


Sophie JullianWe have been publishing the latest scientific results achieved by our researchers in this newsletter for a number of years now and this issue is no exception.

However, one thing that sets it apart is its new context. IFP has changed its name and is now known as IFP Energies nouvelles
(IFPEN). This name change reflects a shift in our strategy, initially oriented mainly towards oil and gas and now largely focusing on new energy technologies (hybrid and electric vehicles, biofuels, green chemistry, CO2 capture and storage, etc.).

As a result, Science@ifp has also changed its name to become Science@ifpen. However, over and above the technological breakthroughs necessary to bring about these changes, the approach proposed by IFPEN demonstrates a high level of continuity. Because the determination to generate innovations that has driven IFPEN's researchers fromthe very outset has led it to develop exceptional expertise, now channeled intomeeting these new challenges. This will become obvious to readers when they discover the research presented in this newsletter.

We hope that you enjoy this issue,

Sophie Jullian, Scientific Director


- Engine diagnosis using laser technology
 - Atomizing aluminosilicates!
 - Vacuum distillates seen under a totally new light
 - Biofuels turn to fungus
 - CO2 on the move
 - Getting to grips with particles!

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