
15 minutes of reading


Benjamin HerzhaftIn this special issue of our Science@IFPEN newsletter, we highlight the work of some of our researchers who have been awarded an accreditation to supervise research (HDR).
An HDR is much more than a title. It is recognition of the holder’s capacity to train the next generation of researchers, to lead large-scale projects and to make a significant contribution to removing barriers to knowledge, on a scientific journey that starts with fundamental research and culminates in the development of technological solutions. Every HDR holder within our institute embodies our commitment to finding solutions for the energy and ecological transition. By highlighting the achievements of these researchers, we seek not only to recognize their remarkable contributions, but also to inspire the next generation of scientists, and in particular our PhD students, to continue this quest for innovation and excellence.
The diversity of disciplinary fields and applications reflected in all these texts demonstrates the relevance of the skills of our researchers, who have built on the legacy of the institute's historical activities to develop a complete range of methodologies and scientific concepts that are perfectly aligned with the demands of the energy and ecological transition. 

I hope that you enjoy this issue,

 Benjamin Herzhaft
 Executive vice president, Research and Education

Modeling of major energy systems

Economic Analysis of Energy Systems : a large-scale regional approach This research focuses on the economic analysis of large-scale systems, i.e. targets such as the energy systems of regions, countries, territories and major cities or vast metropolitan areas. In terms of the economic analysis, it extends beyond pure, autonomous economic elements to include issues related to geopolitical, technical and environmental aspects, as well as energy policies, obviously.

Knowledge and description of sedimentary systems

Sedimentary budgets: concept, methods and integration in basin analysis on a land-sea continuum In a given sediment compartment , the sedimentary budget consists in evaluating sedimentary inputs, transfers and exports, and equating them to the net gain or loss over a specified period of time Sedimentary budgets are very widely used in geosciences. when integrated on a larger scale, they offer the possibility of acquiring a global vision of sedimentary systems.

Catalysts and the circular economy

The life cycle of hydrotreatment catalysts: from active phase genesis to catalyst recycling Catalysts are essential products for numerous industrial processes, including the hydrotreatment of oil feeds or bio-based feeds. Their properties stem from the active metal materials they contain, the value and criticality of which justify efforts to recover them from waste products. Accordingly, as a major producer of catalysts, one of IFPEN group’s key priorities is to apply the principles of the circular economy to them.

Multiphysical couplings in materials modeling

Contribution to the study of couplings in interfaces, polymers and porous materials The work of Laurent Cangémi relates to the field of modeling and concerns the formulation of multiphysical couplings in materials. It applies to all porous media exposed to the effects of mass transfer, heat, plasticity or damage, such as catalyst supports or natural underground environments.

Biochemical conversion of biomass

The degradation of plant biomass by the Trichoderma reesei enzyme cocktail: composition, interactions and improvement avenues. The development of alternative, low-carbon energies is essential in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and tackle climate change. One example is second-generation bioethanol, produced from lignocellullosic biomass and used as a fuel in the mobility sector. The research of Senta Blanquet has focused on a crucial step in the production process for this biofuel: enzymatic hydrolysis.