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15 minutes of reading


Special issue: Motor Systems and Vehicles 

Stéphane HenriotThe transportation sector is evolving all the time and profound changes are yet to come. A major challenge
for future mobility, vehicle’s electrification will be accompanied by radical technological and software advances, with the increasing development of connected and driverless vehicles, incorporating, in particular, the principles of responsible eco-driving.

For all that, Internal Combustion (IC) engines will continue to dominate for a few more years to come. The focus must be on reducing their consumption (i.e. decreasing CO2) and their pollutant emissions, paving the way for the transition to low-carbon mobility.

In addition to the development of new software solutions and services for vehicle electrification and connected mobility, researchers from the Powertrain and Vehicle Division are channeling their expertise into addressing these challenges. Their aims today: to prepare for the changes that will take place in the distant future while going on improving the short term, essential for addressing the
needs of industry and society, working in partnership with internationally-recognized laboratories.

I hope you enjoy reading this issue.

Stéphane Henriot, Director of the Powertrain and Vehicle Division

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