
15 minutes of reading


Special issue: Control and Optimization of Complex Systems

Grégoire AllaireIt is commonly accepted that the continuous increase in computer performance, combined with the progress of mathematical algorithms, has led to unprecedented developments in the numerical simulation of complex physical phenomena. But these enhanced computing capabilities have also revolutionized our approach to complex systems, enabling us to optimize and command them and, ultimately, to better influence the way equipment is operated and managed.

This issue, dedicated to “Optimization and command of complex systems”, provides a non-exhaustive overview of such IFPEN’s research activities for applications in the field of energy: floating offshore wind turbines, reservoir management, chemical engineering processes, the operation of engines and energy recovery.

Lastly, let’s not forget that optimization techniques are crucial for handling the huge amounts of data derived from experimental measurements, numerical calculations and computing. This opens the way to another of IFPEN’s fundamental research themes: the optimal processing of massive data flows.

I hope you enjoy reading this issue.

Grégoire Allaire, Chairman of IFPEN's Scientific Board

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