2 minutes of reading
17-19 June 2019
Hôtel Melia La Défense, Paris - France

The workshop is a forum for sharing and discussing ideas on the technical and industrial challenges for field implementation of chemical EOR. Its scope covers early feasibility assessments, case studies and feedbacks from field trials. The topics include: complex reservoirs (carbonate, low permeability, HT/HS, fractured/heterogeneous), foam-based processes, heavy oils and water cycle management issues.
Following the very positive feedback from participants on the first, second and third edition of Chemical EOR Workshop in 2013, 2015, 2017 and their wished to renew this event every two years, IFP Energies nouvelles has organized the 4th edition of the "Chemical EOR Workshop" at La Défense in Paris (France) on 17-19 June 2019.
For further information >> www.eorworkshop.com