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IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN) is offering a new web service, GeoAnalog, the first integrated tool which gives access to a database of complex structural analogue models.
GeoAnalog provides quick access to a metadata catalog of fee-based models from over 400 analogue experiments reproducing different geological processes (videos, 3D viewers).
The objective is to improve the understanding of processes and geological structures.

This innovative web service is built on IFPEN 30 years' experience and industrial partnerships.
This made it possible for IFPEN to complete around 1,500 analogue experiments using "sandboxes" under representative conditions reproducing various structural geological processes. Its original approach involves modeling the structures by means of a scanner, providing a 3D view of the deformation of layers over the course of time.
GeoAnalog makes it possible to:
- reduce risks and mitigate uncertainties related to the exploration of zones with complex structural geology,
- improve the understanding of the formation process of geological structures,
- conduct structural interpretations of seismic data,
- gain a better understanding of the kinematic of deformation, over the course of time, for a specific region.
With a user-friendly interface, the innovative and intuitive online application makes it easy for users to view and interact with a centralized database of analogue models over the internet.
Thanks to the specific viewers, users can work either in an office environment or a mobile environment, using a powerful and easy-to-use search engine.
IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN) is a major research and training player in the fields of energy, transport and the environment. From research to industry, technological innovation is central to all its activities, structured around three strategic priorities: sustainable mobility, new energies and responsible oil and gas.
IFPEN is also working on R&I programs to develop processes and software in target sectors such as exploration, enhanced recovery, offshore production and gas sweetening.