Augmented prediction and anaLysis of massive data for the idEntification of Key parameters Controlling Internal Aerodynamics
Launched in September 2021 for a period of 4 years, the ANR ALEKCIA project brings together 3 academic partners:
- Institute PPRIME/CNRS,
- PRISME laboratory Orleans University,
- IFP Energies nouvelles.
The main objective of ALEKCIA is to develop game-changing tools for augmented prediction and analysis of turbulent reactive flows with a focus on real spark-ignition engine operations fueled with hydrogen to better capture time-resolved events and increase understanding and control of the origins of undesired behaviors. The key hypothesis is that future progress and success is tied to the synergistic, strong combination of experimental and numerical tools at every stage of the project, which will provide advancement in the analysis of physical scales and boundary conditions.
A strength of the project is that the developed tools and methodologies could also benefit to a range of applications well beyond internal combustion engines, in situations where complex turbulent flows need to be mastered to achieve higher efficiency such as in the fields of propulsion or energy generation.
More information on: Project-ANR-20-CE05-0007 and
Contact : Karine Truffin