Benoît Noetinger graduated from the École Polytechnique in Paris, and holds a thesis at UPMC (now Sorbonne University) in liquid state physics, the work of which was carried out at the PMMH laboratory of ESPCI. He supported an HDR at UPMC in 2000.
He joined IFPEN in 1989, to work on the development of up-scaling techniques allowing to carry out large-scale simulations of flows in porous media by using detailed information as well as possible, that are more and more numerous because of the improvement of acquisition techniques.
Benoît has taken responsibility for various research projects involving industrial partners (PETROBRAS, TOTAL, Gaz de France), while co-supervising thesis projects allowing him to stay in close contact with academic teams. He also developed original techniques from statistical physics to model flows in fractured media.
Benoît was advisor of 8 PhD students and teaches in engineering schools such as Centralesupelec, les Mines de Paris, IFP School, UPPA. He taught at university of Wyoming. He is invited visiting scientist at USTC Hefei, China. He is member of scientific committees of conferences such as NTERPORE international conference on Porous media.
He authored 7 patents and 60 peer-reviwed articles. he evaluated grant applications ANR, he carried out laboratory evaluations HCERES. He is member of the editorial committee of CR Géosciences, published by French Académie des Sciences
He was awarded Prix Adrien Constantin de Magny 2019 by the Académie des Sciences (French Academy of Sciences).
He was awarded ERC Synergy grant

Principal investigator research project FRACA.
Editor in Chief of STET
Collaborations with IMFT, I2C Bordeaux, PHENIX, METIS
Project Director of ERC Karst at IFPEN
Oukili, H., Ababou, R., Debenest, G., & Noetinger, B. (2021). Multi-scale study of diffusion in composite grain–pore systems based on particles random walk. Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, 349(3), 529-558.
Colecchio, I., Otero, A. D., Noetinger, B., & Boschan, A. (2021). Equivalent hydraulic conductivity, connectivity and percolation in 2D and 3D random binary media. Advances in Water Resources, 158, 104040.
Dashtbesh, N., Enchéry, G., & Noetinger, B. (2021). A dynamic coarsening approach to immiscible multiphase flows in heterogeneous porous media. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 201, 108396.
Mourlanette, P., Biver, P., Renard, P., Noetinger, B., Caumon, G., & Perrier, Y. A. (2020). Direct simulation of non-additive properties on unstructured grids. Advances in Water Resources, 143, 103665.
Noetinger, B. Statistical physics and applied geosciences: some results and perspectives. Comptes Rendus. Physique, 1-22.
Colecchio, I., Boschan, A., Otero, A. D., & Noetinger, B. (2020). On the multiscale characterization of effective hydraulic conductivity in random heterogeneous media: a historical survey and some new perspectives. Advances in Water Resources, 103594.
Fourno, A., Ngo, T. D., Noetinger, B., & La Borderie, C. (2019). FraC: A new conforming mesh method for discrete fracture networks. Journal of Computational Physics, 376, 713-732.
Ngo, T. D., Fourno, A., & Noetinger, B. (2017). Modeling of transport processes through large-scale discrete fracture networks using conforming meshes and open-source software. Journal of Hydrology, 554, 66-79
Noetinger, B., Hume, L., Chatelin, R., & Poncet, P. (2018). Effective viscosity of a random mixture of fluids. Physical Review Fluids, 3(1), 014103.
Simonnin, P., Noetinger, B., Nieto-Draghi, C., Marry, V., & Rotenberg, B. (2017). Diffusion under confinement: Hydrodynamic finite-size effects in simulation. Journal of chemical theory and computation, 13(6), 2881-2889.
Noetinger, B., Roubinet, D., Russian, A., Le Borgne, T., Delay, F., Dentz, M., Gouze, P. (2016). Random walk methods for modeling hydrodynamic transport in porous and fractured media from pore to reservoir scale. Transport in Porous Media, 115(2), 345-385.
Nœtinger, B., & Jarrige, N. (2012). A quasi steady state method for solving transient Darcy flow in complex 3D fractured networks. Journal of Computational Physics, 231(1), 23-38.
Abellan, A., & Noetinger, B. (2010). Optimizing subsurface field data acquisition using information theory. Mathematical Geosciences, 42(6), 603-630.
Le Ravalec, M., Noetinger, B., & Hu, L. Y. (2000). The FFT moving average (FFT-MA) generator: An efficient numerical method for generating and conditioning Gaussian simulations. Mathematical Geology, 32(6), 701-723.
Noetinger, B., & Estebenet, T. (2000). Up-scaling of double porosity fractured media using continuous-time random walks methods. Transport in Porous Media, 39(3), 315-337.
Noetinger, B. (1994). The effective permeability of a heterogeneous porous medium. Transport in porous media, 15, 99-127.